Chapter 37: The Reunion

Start from the beginning

After a moment of shocked silence, Midoriya couldn't help but laugh.

Shinso tried to rub the tears away from his eyes, but to no avail, "D-Don't laugh at me you bastard."

But he didn't stop; he was just so happy.

And the moment got even better – when from around the corner, a little creature rocketed towards him, stopping inches from Midoriya's face and chirped loudly.

'Siren!' he thought with an unbridled glee. Midoriya held his hands out for her to land upon and stroked the top of her tiny head with his finger fondly.

It wasn't long before curiosity got the better of class 1-A, but the first around the corner to peer out the door, was Kaminari.

His jaw practically dropped to the ground, "Holy smokes – Canary?!"

"WHAT?!" was the chorus from within the dorms.

There was the sound of scraping chairs and the thunder of footsteps, as Kaminari reached out and pulled Midoriya inside, with Eri scampering along behind him nervously.

Midoriya turned around and closed the doors. He didn't know why – but the feeling of having them shut behind him was somewhat... comforting.

"CANARY!" Jiro cried. She was the next to literally throw herself in Midoriya's direction, being a little less secretive about her sobs. Midoriya was forced to toss Siren into the air so she wouldn't be squished between them.

There was a mixture of reactions across the class. Of course, Midoriya still didn't really know all of them incredibly well, since he never had the chance to spend much time with them during the summer camp, but his sudden appearance still seemed to have quite the effect on them.

Whilst others hung back, mouths agape, many began to cry. Shinso seemed so distraught that he was now sitting on the floor, his head in his hands. Jiro's mascara had started to run down her face already, but she didn't seem to take any notice. Iida had to hold onto the side of the kitchen counter as he hung his head, also crying. Then there was Uraraka, who had joined in on what was becoming a group hug now, sobbing almost as loudly as Jiro, if that were possible. Then there was Todoroki, who just stood there, too shocked to move. Kacchan seemed to be doing the same, standing right at the back of the group and staring.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Shinso eventually screamed as the others began to pull away from the embrace. He grasped Midoriya's shoulders and repeated those words, "What. The. Hell?"

Midoriya just sniffed loudly, his vision blurry as he waved hello again.

But then Shinso's eyes zeroed in on the chain on his wrist. He backed away a little. "O-Ok, let's... let's get that off –"

Iida walked over and put one hand on Midoriya's shoulder, "I'm going to find Mr Aizawa. They were having a staff meeting."

Midoriya nodded – but didn't let him go without a quick hug too.

Iida's glasses were all steamed up as he left, taking off at a run with the aid of his Quirk.

"Come on," Shinso insisted, grabbing his arm to lead him towards the seating area – the dorms seemed quite nice. But they didn't get that far, because Midoriya pulled away as he met Eri's worried gaze, as she still hung onto his leg.

Midoriya pointed down at her, and the gases of his classmates slowly lowered to her level.

"Who is...?" began Mina, before trailing off.

Yaoyorozu crouched down to her. Eri backed away a little, hiding behind Midoriya.

"Hello there," said Yaoyorozu, "and who might you be?"

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