Chapter 1

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My names Diaz. Diaz Queiroz. Im just 19 years old but my life has already been pretty wild. I'm not like most girls my age juggling friends and school work. Ha no I've got some different challenges on my plate like making it into the national team.

I'm a mother to some darling little twins a little boy Arlo and a little girl Noa. I had them when I was 16 to nobody's knowledge. The first person I told was on accident. I was crying to a nurse about how I was going to manage two babies and butt-dialled my sister Gio by accident. She didn't care though and immediately told me to come live with her in London. See I lived in Spain. Barcelona. I was under the clubs housing and my neighbour was my current boyfriend Gavi. Well let's just say we got together when we're 13. 3 years together and he broke up with me over text saying.

I'm sorry Dia I can't do this anymore. We're over.

I don't hold a grudge though. We were 16. My sister however. Yeah she holds one. Im a centre midfielder for arsenal women's football club. The people I have met through this club are all like family to me. They all inspire me and I don't know what id do without them.

The thing is tonight is sports personality of the year. I have been invited as I am in the running for young sports personality of the year. I am being forced into going to hair and makeup today. The good thing though is that my little mini me is coming too.
"MAMA!" I hear a little voice scream. I walk into the living room to see Atlo and Noa sat on the carpet with all there toys. Arlo's crying so I go over to him and pick him up.
"¿Qué tal bebé? (What's up baby)?" I ask calmly.
"Sangrado del dedo mama (finger bleeding mama)" he says through muffled sobs.
"He tocado apúrate rueda mama!(he touched car wheel mama)" Noa says and I smile at her. I look at his finger and I see it bleeding.
"Oh queirda! ( oh dear) We will be back in a second No." . I say to her as I take him into the kitchen and place him down on the side opening the first aid box.
"Apurate or Superhéroes? (Cars or superheroes?)" I ask him.
"CARS!" He yells excited.
"Good choice." As i say that I grab a wipe from the box and wipe his cut down gently. Then I place his plaster on it and finish it off by kissing it gently.
"All done!" I say and he laughs. That's when we hear a knock at the door. "Shall we go see who that is?" I ask and he nods very quickly.
"I fight them!" He announces and I laugh. I hold him carefully and I open the door. Noa runs at me hiding between my legs her head looking out past my legs.


Decided to edit this a bit showing how bilingual Diaz and the kids are.

Also my comments are not working so by all means comment I can see them but I will not be able to respond. Unless u pm me.

Diaz QueriozWhere stories live. Discover now