As the days go by

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As the days go by... I begin to see you now as a memory, not a person

I now see you more in my thoughts, then I ever have

I think that's funny

How I think of you more and more, when the only thing I am trying to do is forget you

I see you in everyday things

Like the ocean, because I remember how much you used to love it, and how your eyes would sparkle from the water reflecting of the sun

Or the dancehall we used to go to... I can't go there anymore without seeing your face everywhere... Seeing us everywhere

As the days go by, I miss you more and more

As the days go by, I realize how much you didn't love me

As the days go by I realize I was in love with the idea of us rather then in love with you

And as the days go by I realize I deserve so much more then your pathetic self

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