Chapter 2- Baxter?!

Start from the beginning

(S.N [stands for side note]: My writing changed a bit and instead of using "said" "asked" "replied" etc, I decided to use the form "[Name]: text" because it is easier and since it feels like the statements would be annoyingly repeated.)

Lightbulb: We're back to the hotel! Yaaaaaaaaaay!
Fan: Haven't been here in a while, feels good to be back heh...
Paper: O-oh! Welcome back Lightbulb.. and Fan.
Lightbulb: Hello Papeeer! Hello everyone! Now if you excuse us, we'll be going upstairs! Weeeeeee! Starts dragging Fan
Fan: Goodbye everyone- WOAH- LIGHTBULB SLOW DOWNNNN!

Lightbulb and Fan head up to Lightbulb and Suitcase's room, Lightbulb closes a door, sits next to Fan and they start trying to come up with something to do

Lightbulb: hmmmmmm... what should we dooooooooo... Oh! We should ask Baxter! She reached her hand out to her head to get Baxter, then realizes that Baxter wasn't there. Baxter?
Fan: I guess we just got something to do?

Lightbulb and Fan leave the room to look for Baxter, they checked everywhere! The living room, the kitchen, the rooms, everywhere! They even asked everyone in the hotel! But there was no trace of out little buddy here.

Fan: Lightbulb! That's enough! You don't want to make OJ mad!
Lightbulb: Oh right, Baxter's nowhere to be found! What am I gonna do nowwwww...


Fan: I guess we should just... make posters and stick them. Maybe someone outside has seen him?
Lightbulb: I guess...

So they worked the poster on Fan's phone and looked for a printer inside the hotel to print them. Took a while until they found a printer, but now they needed some papers!

.... uh.. no not Paper, like paper paper... ANYWAYS-

Fan: Lightbulb, maybe we should just go buy some-
Lightbulb: HAH! wait no that's a box of pens.
Fan: ... well uuuuh... I'll just go ask OJ about them?
Lightbulb: Maybe that??? No, that's a file.
Fan: slowly backing away

Fan once again, goes around the whole hotel to find OJ, it's hard to find someone considering the big building they're in and the amount of rooms that exist. Fan ends up finding OJ inside his office, he knocks on the door waiting to receive an answer.

OJ: groans enter, this better be important.
Fan: enters uh- sorry for disturbing you-
OJ: It's fine, do you need anything?
Fan: well uh- I was wondering if you had uuuuh.. papers?? To use for printing?
OJ: Microphone took them because she wanted to try writing a song for the first time, she still didn't return them so perhaps ask her?
Fan: Thank you! Leaves the office
OJ: You're welcome? Well that was quiet a waste of time, where was I?

Fan heads to Microphone's room hoping she would be in there, he knocks on the door and sure enough, he got an answer!

Microphone: Come in!
Fan: Opens the door hey! Do you have papers that can be used for printing?
Microphone: I actually may have a lot extra, here, feel free to take out however much you need!
Fan: Thank you! He takes a great amount of paper.
Microphone: No problem! Now shoo.

Take 2

Microphone: No problem! Now leave before I murber you using sound.

Take 3

Microphone: No problem!
Fan: Thank you a lot again, cya! Leaves the room

Fan heads back to the storage room where Lightbulb was still searching for paper.

Fan: Lightbulb a just got some papers!
Lightbulb: That's a box of candy! Ooooh! She takes one piece of candy and eats it without unwrapping the wrapper oh, hi Fan!! What did you say??
Fan: uh- I got papers.
Lightbulb: That's great! Now let's get to printing!

They head back upstairs and try to find a room with a plot where they can plug the printer to start printing. After they finished printing all the papers, they decided to head out, and start placing the posters everywhere.

 After they finished printing all the papers, they decided to head out, and start placing the posters everywhere

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And after they were done, they went back to the hotel. They thought they'd check the next day each poster to see if there was any writing on them.


Technical difficulties

Night comes, and the day ended. What a day...
WE'LL CONTINUE IN THE NEXT CHAPTE- (didn't know how to end this lol-)


Words: 843 (Pretty short, ik)

Hopefully I'll get more motivation for this, also title changed yippeeeeeeee
Thumbnail will also be changed soon!

-Nini was here, signing out!

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