'no. i need to change my shoes. well, no worries, i guess. it only takes thirty minutes to get home. i'll wait a little longer'

20 minutes passed and saiki still sat inside the toilet stall

'this isn't good.'

saiki used clairvoyance to pinpoint where everybody was

'hairo is at the school gate.'

'kaidou is at the shoe locker area.'

'and... teruhashi and her happy helpers are everywhere on the school premise.'

'i'm screwed... leaving is now much more difficult than earlier. recording my show is now out of the question since the moment the show is over, spoilers start relentlessly flooding into my head from viewers.'

'i guess the only choice i have left is.. becoming an invisible man'

saiki used his abilities to turn invisible

'this power only makes me invisible. so my physical form is still there, in other words, i can touch things, anyways.. i need to act carefully'

saiki made his way over to the shoe locker area

'so this is the locker kaidou is in..' saiki thought before he picked up the locker and shook it before placing it back down.

a shrill scream could be heard, which caught teruhashi's attention as kaidou made his way out of the locker

"i-it's a poltergeist!" he yelled, tears brimming his eyes

a certain (h/c) head was currently on clean up duty and thus was forced to clean up the shoe locker area

(name) heard the scream and made her way to kaidou and teruhashi immediately

"is he ok?" (name) asked teruhashi

"i'm not sure.." teruhashi responded "he just screamed and yelled out 'poltergeist!'"

(name) nodded, kneeling down to kaidou who only screamed more when he spotted kenji around her neck

"sorry! did kenji scare you? you don't need to be afraid! he's very nice!" (name) beamed

'FUCK YOU.' kenji thought as he noticed (name)'s hand on kaidou's shoulder (he's just jealous of kaidou lol)

at her words, kaidou seemed to calm down a bit when all of a sudden, hairo ran up

"is everyone ok?" he asked "i heard a scream and ran as fast as i could"

"everythings fine!" teruhashi smiled before she spotted toritsuka with saiki

"saiki!" teruhashi yelled out, holding her papers

this caught hairo and kaidou's attention and the three immediately rushed up to him, bombarding him with questions

(name) followed behind and stopped the three

'(last name)~~' toritsuka blushed, smiling

"saiki doesn't look very comfortable with you three being so close" she smiled "i think you guys are getting into his personal bubble!"

'who does she think she is? giving a perfect girl like me orders!' teruhashi thought in her head

saiki felt internally grateful for (name) as she waved goodbye to the small group and continued cleaning.


"listen, guys! today is all about one thing!" hairo announced as the entire class listened, today was sports day, so natually hairo would be extra competitive

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