Chapter 1: Micheal

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The wind is quiet today in northern Seattle. And that’s good, it’d be hard to save the day if it were loud. The villain, god knows what his name is, is suspiciously quiet today. ‘What are you planning?’ I thought to myself.

“HELP!” Someone screams in the distance.

I leap into action, for a hero must always be there instantly. I arrived at where the scream was, and that’s when I saw it. The ugliest monster I’ve ever seen. A three headed, purple and yellow (help, I can’t think of anything to call it. Plz helpppppp). It swings its yellow eyeball at me and I barely dodge it.

“Gotta get faster if you wanna catch me!” I taunt.

The monster swings its ugly purple fist, or at least something that looks like a fist, at me. I’m unable to doge this time and I hit a wall. Hard. I want to scream, but I have no time to react, something comes from above and hits me on the head. Luckily it wasn’t hard enough to knock me out, but it still hurt.

I scramble to my feet, making sure I’m upright. I launch myself into the air with my feet and land on the monster's head. I wrap my hands around its eyes and pull. I make sure not to rip them off, but I pull hard enough to hurt it.

It throws me off, but I land on my feet. ‘That was close’ I muse. It’s not every day that you see a monster as ugly as this one.

“Ha! I laugh in the face of danger!” I exclaim.

The monster rears its ugly head and headbuts me with it. I smash backwards into a wall and hear something crack. I can’t tell if it was my head or the wall, but everything hurts. I don’t know what’s going on around me, because I soon lose consciousness.


It’s pitch black when I wake up, but I think I can hear the faintest of whispers. I think, maybe, that might be my way out. I just have to wait for them to get closer. Until then I need to find a weapon, as I feel much too weak to use my powers.

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.” The voice says, closer to me now.

“But what did she say?” Another voice joins in.

“Dunno, my phone died before I got an answer” the first voice replies.

I quickly hide, so that I may ambush them and make my escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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