Chapter 1 - The Duo

Começar do início

After we calmed down, Alice got back to work and I just stared at the ceiling. 'I wander how much time it will take for Dane Lucas til he starts hearing false rumors about me. That tends to happen as the popular girls especially don't like me, but all in all I find them repulsive. Oh not even five minutes in and Carly Sklortze is already trying to seduce him. Otherwise known as, the School's Slut.'

I saw Dane had tried to walk away only for her to keep pestering him. He had moved his eyes away from her for a mere second to catch my own and I instantly looked away since it would just get worse if he talked to me. "Sorry... Could you please get out of my face." Dane had said.

I had placed my head on the table and tried to prevent myself from laughing as Carly had just stood there with an open mouth while gawking at Dane. I couldn't take it anymore and had to place a hand over my mouth to prevent me from laughing too loud. 'I like this guy already.'

Then another guy came in, he had tan-ish skin, brown hair and sideburns, brown eyes, while he wore a red flannel, a tan leather jacket, blue jeans and some work boots. He looked like he was looking for someone and as soon as he spotted Dane he told the teacher and spoke, " My name is Rob Runnet." He said before sitting down right by Dane.

I then saw Carly walked back to her group and them start to talk probly about some gossip or some popular thing one if not all of them had. I didn't pay too much attention to them as they never really are interesting. I went back to staring at the ceiling in boredom well until I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I took out my earbud out of my ear cause I had the music blasted and faced her. "Rob and Dane were wandering if we could hang out sometime."

I nodded my head as we exchanged some phone numbers and social media. The bell had rung and it was time to go to the next class. I stood up and walked off to 2nd period.

After school I had checked my phone and saw that I was added to a group chat on Snapchat called 'OPEN IT'

9:16 A.M.

Is anyone there?

9:23 A.M.



Y/N, get on this chat.

11:19 P.M.


Ugh... It's useless. 😫

What is?

To get Y/N on here on time.

Well it's only been around an hour.

Well anyways, WHEN she answers she will see what this is and open it.
And boom we can all talk.
But anyways, Rob and Dane just meet me right by the library and I will get Chez.

Whose Chez?

That's my nickname for Y/N.
She should be the one to explain it as I don't wanna type it.


Alright we'll meet you after school.

3:16 P.M.


As the bell finally rung I slipped my phone in my back pocket and started walking towards the library. When I got there I saw Rob and Dane waiting. I leaned against a wall by the library doors. They looked at me and then it hit me Alice said she would bring me with her but she wasn't there. She was probly looking for me. I took my phone out and saw a new text in the chat titled, 'OPEN IT'.

Broken Barrier (Eyeless Jack X Reader) <DISCONTINUED>Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora