'So cute you guys,' he said and stared down at his phone.

'Delete that!' Rachel begged and jumped to her feet, ready to tackle Gar. She was rather quickly distracted by the game at hand after realising they had been playing it wrong the whole time. 'No, he's got two... It's your turn.'

Conner flashed his card to everyone and asked, 'Okay. Can I use this now?'

They all yelled and turned away, as if they were blind, not wanting to see Conner's cards. Eleanor laughed and crossed her legs on the couch.

'Yes!' Rachel laughed and moved to the other side of the table to be on Conner's team.

Eleanor watched them for almost a whole game before deciding to drop in on Dick and Kory to see how they were doing up the front. Walking past the kids, she tapped the green seven in Tim's deck and gave him a small wink.

She heard the commotion when he slammed the card down, then another, then another. Eleanor laughed evilly as the others called her name in faux anger.

'And when all that shit stops getting to you, that's when you know you got a problem,' Dick said to Kory quietly.

'Is that when one starts dressing like a bat?' Eleanor interjected, earning a laugh from her two friends. Kory spun the chair to face her and scooted over, creating room for her to sit.

Eleanor sat down, but less than five seconds later, their attention was on red lightning on the road in front of them, with a woman standing at the centre of it all. Cars came to a screeching halt, as did the RV. People were quick to clamour out of their vehicles and run in the opposite direction.

'Why is it never easy to leave this town?' Dick muttered as he turned the RV off.

'This is just a hunch, but I'm gonna assume she's a bad guy,' Kory told them as the kids rushed to the front to get a look at the woman.

'She killed Lex...' Rachel muttered, wringing her hands together nervously.

'Are you certain?' Eleanor asked her quietly.

'It's not over till we stop her.'

Dick said, 'Then let's finish this... Suit up!'

Within the minute, they were all exiting the RV in their suits and ready to end the fight and leave Metropolis once and for all. The lady was rather frightening without the need for her giant staff. She was missing eyebrows and teeth. Eleanor didn't need to have powers like Rachel to understand the darkness that the woman held.

The woman raised her hand and beckoned Conner forwards, a challenge he accepted quickly.

'Conner, wait!' Dick called as Conner flew up into the air at the woman, shooting his laser vision at the road and then at her. She deflected it quickly with her staff and used a lightning bolt to shoot Conner out of the sky.

He flew overhead with a loud cry of pain and landed on a car several yards behind them all, moaning and groaning loudly in agony.

Eleanor looked forward at the woman and pulled her gun from her back before holding it up to her eye so she could look through the scope. She fired several rounds quickly into the woman, advancing slowly, unaware that the woman was taking fire and absorbing the power of the bullets without any harm or damage.

'Holy shit,' Eleanor muttered and lowered her gun, watching the woman hold her arms out with a wicked smile. 'What the fuck did she just do?' Eleanor asked Rachel, who shook her head, unsure of the answer.

The woman held her hand out at Eleanor, causing her to drop the gun and grab at her throat. Eleanor's eyes nearly bulged out of her head as she fought the firm invisible hand around her neck for oxygen. It was a losing battle.

'No!' Dick yelled as the woman picked Eleanor up in the air with her powers and threw her just as far as she threw Conner.

'Conner!' Kory yelled at the young super. 'Grab her!'

Conner seemed to snap out of his pain fuel state before leaping into the air and catching Eleanor before she could hit the ground. He wrapped his arms around her and took the force of hitting the ground with his back.

'Eleanor?' Conner asked, sitting up with Eleanor cradled in his lap. 'El?' He gently shook her, watching her head roll around. He looked back at the group as Rachel collapsed on the roof and Dick ran at the woman with his batons.

It took Conner several seconds to gain his strength back and rise to his feet, carrying Eleanor with him. By the time he made it to the group, they were crowding around Rachel, who had platinum-white hair and was missing her gem.

'What did she do to her?' Conner asked, causing everyone to look at him.

'Eleanor!' Dick jumped to his feet and rushed to take Eleanor from Conner.'s grasp 'Is she alright?' He asked, craning his neck to look down at her. 'Conner, grab Rachel. Get them in the RV now!'

They were all back in the RV a minute later, all standing over their friends in concern. Kory was kneeling next to Rachel, calling her name loudly as the others watched in concern, hoping she woke up soon. Dick was putting Eleanor on the couch, quietly begging her to open her eyes

Rachel inhaled deeply and sat up.

Hesitantly, Dick left Eleanor's side and rushed to Rachel as she asked, 'What happened?'

'We were attacked. You got hit pretty bad... Are you okay?' Dick asked her, watching as her worried stare moved from person to person. It landed on Eleanor, and Rachel let out a shuttered breath.

'No. I can't feel you,' she said quietly, causing concern to grow throughout the group.

In the heavy and silent pause, Eleanor opened her eyes and winced at the feeling of her head throbbing violently. Feeling her stomach do a flip and the rise of acid reflux in her chest, she jumped to her feet, scaring her friends out of the skin. Eleanor nearly tripped over Tim in an attempt to get to the bathroom quickly.

They all cringed as Eleanor dry-heaved into the toilet, her knees colliding with the floor roughly. Conner was at her side with a wet cloth in an instant before he scanned her with his X-ray vision.

'You've got a very low blood pressure,' he said as he placed the cloth on the back of her neck.

'Yeah, I guessed that,' she muttered, putting her arm across the open bowl and resting her forehead on it. 'I'm okay... I'm okay,' she reassured him once he knelt by her side. One look from him had her convinced he knew about the baby. Of course he would, he had X-ray vision. 'I'm okay Conner, really.'

He nodded and helped her to her feet, but once she was standing up taller, she was rushing away once again, this time to Rachel, whom she had spotted on the floor.

'Are you okay?' She asked, kneeling next to Dick. 'What happened to your hair? Where's your gem? Are you hurt?'

'I'm fine,' Rachel said, placing her hand on Eleanor's thigh. 'You should take it easy.'

'So should you,' Eleanor muttered with a frown as they helped one another to their feet with Dick hovering over them, worried they would collapse once more. Dick grabbed Eleanor's arm softly and gave her a small look. 'We need to talk,' she said quietly.

Over Dick's shoulder, Kory locked eyes with Eleanor and nodded her head once.


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