"You just called me a liar and I assure you that didn't win you any points with me, if I already wasn't meeting with you before I'm definitely not now!" I slammed the buttons on my phone then jumped to my feet.

"Solo!" I yelled everyone in the room turned to look at me, the only person not in the room was Roman, he was in the bedroom. "I'm going for a walk come or stay it doesn't matter but you should probably come," I stated then stormed toward the bus doors.

"Little Uce?" Jimmy questioned but I was to pissed, to gone in the head, that my feet wouldn't stop me as I stomped down the bus stairs pushing the door open. The first thing I saw which was a crate that had been carrying equipment was the first thing my foot connected with and not once, not twice, not three time but so many times till Solo grabbed me and pushed me away from the thing. He gave me this look as I was breathing hard trying to find the calm, the truth was I should have gone to Roman to find that but I wanted to find it in myself, I can't just always rely on Roman to fix everything, even though it'd be easy to do so.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just needed to let some anger out," I said not meeting his gaze and heading for the crate again. Solo put out his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders to get me to stop. I breathed heavy as I didn't fight instead just leaned against him to try to let it go.

"It's clearly not nothing, just relax before you hurt yourself," he said into my ear.

"Everything's hard and almost every little thing sets me off, the smaller ones I can hide the rest turn into this," I said.

"It's him, isn't it?" Solo asked.


"The one you were texting with just now, Sami," he said.

"Yeah, but don't tell Roman, I'll tell him later, he won't let me go out there if he knows," I explained.

"Why? What'd Sami say?" he asked. I slumped my shoulders and pulled away from Solo, so I could turn to look at him.

"I don't want to get into it right now, I'll lose control again."

"You know I lose control too but like you just said every little thing is setting you off you need to get it under control. If none of us can help you then you need to find something or someone who can," he told me.

"I know, it's just a lot of things from one extreme to the next are happening right now. I'll do my best to manage till I think of a solution."

"We should head back, Jimmy's probably worried if he hasn't gotten Roman yet," he said. I nodded then started to follow.

"Hey Solo," I said stopping. When he saw me not next to him, he stopped to.

"What is it?"

"Thank you," I said and he stared at me. "Thank you for everything, I know you are just starting your career and then I got thrown into this. Thank you for accepting me, as me and always literally having my back and being wherever I need to go. I'm not always easy to deal with but I'm glad you're always there," I said now trying not to cry the anger flowing away. Solo didn't say anything but walked toward me and wrapped me up in a hug, it was probably the first time I'd seen him initiate a hug. I felt safe in his arms just like I do in Romans. I always thought with Roman it was a once in a lifetime for me to be safe in someone else's arms but never in the arms of two people, but here I was.

"I wouldn't change anything," he said into my ear and I hugged him tighter.

Roman knew something was up but he didn't ask. I think he was waiting for me to tell him, which I will when it's time too.

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