Chapter 4

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We'd explored the library for a while, but neither of us could find anything interesting. Besides Esme. She cuddled up with a blanket in the chair next to me, watching the flames in the dark. I eyed her. She was even prettier in the dark. That cute expression on her face, it wasn't anything like her fierce, sarcastic and gentle side that she usually had. And I loved it all. Could she tell I was looking at her?
- Do you want one? She handed me one of the blankets that she'd found on our library tour.
I shook my head, but couldn't hold back a smirk.
- I'm not cold.
She didn't give up. But I actually wasn't.
- There's no way you're not cold, Draco. It's freezing in here.
- It's fine Princess. I thought she gave up for a second, before she got up, next to my seat and wrapped one of the blankets around me. And for the first time, I felt fucking butterflies in my stomach. She wrapped it around me with a focused expression. I looked at her while she did so, extremely focused. Then I looked at her body. She looked skinnier, way skinnier. Did she eat? She skipped meals a lot, did she eat the food I'd left her a couple of days ago?
She was about to return back to her seat when I placed my hands on her hips. She froze and turned around.
- What? She smiled a little, confused looking.
I tilted my head to the side.
- I've given it some thought Princess, and in fact, I am a little cold, but unfortunately the blanket won't be enough.
She shook her head with a entertained face.
- You want mine to Dray?
- That would be a shame, then you wouldn't have one.
- So what is on your mind?
I pushed a side of the blanket of me and placed a hand on my lap.
- Will you join me Princess?
I loved calling her princess, I loved her reaction to it, and she really was a Princess. My princess.
- Draco-
- I'm afraid it wasn't a question. I pulled her hips closer. Her heat flushed over me. I smirked. Her face was hard to read in the dark. She sat down on my lap, and I wrapped a blanket around her.
- Am I to heavy?
She looked at me unsure with a frightened face. How could such a beautiful girl be so incredibly insecure?
If beauty was a person, she was it.
- Shut up Princess, there are brooms heavier than you. I pulled her closer. She was shorter than me. She wrapped the blanket tighter around us, and leaned her head to my chest. Carefully I placed a hand on her stomach. Half her back was turned away from me, but her head leaned against my shoulder. I listened to her breathing. It was addictive. I sooner realized how she tried to match my breathing. Fucking adorable.
- Don't choke yourself, sweetheart.
- Funny. She closed her eyes and I wrapped an arm around her. I'd never been this close to her before, and I still wanted her even closer. My hand on her stomach noticed how skinny she was, she hadn't eaten in days. Something in me twisted. I didn't know what it was, but it was a horrible stress.
- Did you eat today? I turned her head gently to me. But I didn't feel gentle. I wanted to fight all of the emotions making her feel like she didn't deserve to eat. She didn't answer directly.
- Yeah..
She was a horrible liar. Her curls tickled my face.
- Liar. Esmeralda why aren't you eating?
- Draco please, I really wanna sleep, it's 02:00.
- Why are you starving yourself?
Her face was sad, she didn't want me to ask this, but I had to. She wasn't eating. I digged into my pocket, finding the chocolate I was looking for. And the bread from lunch.
- Eat, please.
I handed it to her, but she shook her head. Fury was building up inside me.
- Esmeralda, please eat, or I'll have to feed you.
- I can't, I'll gain weight.
- It doesn't matter, you need to eat.
- Fine, but I can eat myself. She smiled. It was late. We should sleep. I watched her as she ate.
- This is my favorite chocolate. I tugged her in and cuddled her. Braided my fingers into her hair, and I could still notice how she matched my breathing. I'd never been this close to her before, but she was fucking beautiful. I'd always wanted to hold her like this. But something in me twisted. Because what was I supposed to do now? Besides killing Diggory. Snape was gonna kill me, my father was gonna kill me, and I was gonna kill Diggory, and perhaps Riddle as well.
I looked at her, she was asleep. Maybe I was dreaming, but i think she was smiling. She was hugging me, not Diggory. Not Riddle. I was holding her, nobody else. She was mine.
She wasn't asleep.
- Yes Princess?
She opened her eyes.
- Do you have any more of those chocolates?

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