A family.

Are we still a family?

Broken as it is. Can we continue to be a family in so many pieces? Despite the separation, we'd started to build a new routine that did still kind of feel like a family, but was different too.

Now, though, we are no longer husband and wife.

"Do you need something else?" The attendant asks.

I shake my head, "No. Thank you."

Tucking the ticket into my ticket holder, I make my way back to the line of passengers boarding. Eventually making it to the divide for Economy and First Class, I swing to the left into the first class cabin and turn down the aisle. Looking at the number on my ticket again, I walk forward to stand behind a woman organizing her things to take her seat. While waiting, I count the rows on the bins above us and my gaze shifts down as I find my row.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I blurt out as my eyes meet the top of a perfectly coifed head of golden chestnut locks.

The woman in front of me looks at me curtly before realizing I'm not talking to her and takes her seat as I continue to stare past her.

Maybe I should return to the gate and ask for my economy ticket back?

Adjusting his black-rimmed glasses, the man in the grey suit looks up and our eyes meet. His lips turn up at one corner as I move forward to stand beside him.

"It appears we're seatmates," I say, embarrassment heating my cheeks.

He tries to smother a growing smile.

"Is something funny?" I ask, irritated.

"Not at all." He replies, holding my gaze.

As he stands to his full height in the confined space, I realize just how tall he is. He'd tower over me even if I were in heels. No wonder he's in first class, it would be comical to see him try to sit in economy.

My eyebrows raise as I turn and move to my seat.

"Do you need to put anything in the overhead bin?" He asks.

It's then I realize just how melodic his voice is. He could be an evening radio DJ. It's deep and calming. Sensual even.

What the fuck, Elora?

"Um, yes, please," I respond leaning over my tote in my seat to grab what I need. Finally, I zip the tote closed and hand it over. He takes it from me and places it above us before we both sit in our seats.

"Can I get you two anything?" An attendant asks once we're buckled in.

"No thank you," We reply in unison.

We look at each other once more before I look away, tucking my iPad in the pocket of my seat and putting my headphones in my ears. I pretend to turn on music and shoot off a couple of texts letting everyone, including Logan, know I'm on my flight.

Then hopping on the BookSocial app, I send out a status update:

Louboutins&Lattes: Made my flight. Next stop NYC!

Sighing, I click the airplane symbol and turn off my phone before sliding it into the pocket with my iPad. Out my window, the ramp agents prepare the plane for departure as a flight attendant begins the pre-flight announcement. Hugging the plane pillow to my chest I feel the dense fog I'd struggled with all day begin to close in again and I side-eye my seatmate to find his attention firmly in an email on his phone. I turn back to the window and lean my head against the wall, watching a woman in a vest begin to motion the plane backward.

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