Chapter 1

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It was lashing rain,June was driving in her car with her niece Virginia.All was going great until the car broke down.

"I'll check it out.",said June.

June didn't have an umbrella or coat so she had to be soaked.June looked at the car,somehow a wrench was thrown causing the engine to go down.June had to do something.She didn't have a phone with her,and there's no where to stay.June opened Virginia's door. 

"Since we don't  have anything to keep in touch with someone nor that we have somewhere to stay,we have to knock on someone's door and hope that they help us.",said June. "But auntie,we look like strangers to them.They probably won't help us.",said Virginia. "Have faith in yourself Virginia.",said June.

The two walk to a house,it had a red door.June knocked on the door.Someone approached the door and opened it.

"Hello there sir,our car broke down and there isn't anywhere to stay.Can you help us?",said June. "Of course,please come inside.",said a man.

The man letted them inside.Inside was a living room which a girl who was probably the same age as Virginia's was sitting there reading a book. 

"Flora,get some towels.We have guests.",said the man.

The girl walked away so she could find towels.

"Please,take a seat.My name is Professor Hershel layton.",said Hershel. "My name is June Parker.And this is my niece,Virginia.",said June. "Charmed to meet you two.",said Hershel.

June looks at a picture with Hershel and another woman.

"Is that your wife?",June asked. "Oh,yes.That is my wife.Her name was Claire.",said Hershel. "I have the towels!",Flora called. "Ah,thank you Flora dear.",said Hershel.

Flora gave the two one towel each.They both dryed their hair with it.

"Does any of you want some drinks?",Hershel asked. "Oh,please.I need some tea right now.",said June.  "Good.I'll turn the kettle on.",said Hershel.

Hershel left the room.                    

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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Professor layton vs June Parker (a professor layton and a June's Journey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now