Chapter 1 : Preventual life

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We open our story to a cottage to a little house the bricks of the house were purple and the tiles on the roof were yellow and shaped like a hat she walks out she was a girl with brown hair tied up in a ponytail she held a basket with an umbrella in it
She wore a purple dress with an apron wrapped around by a yellow cloth
She sighs
"Little town it's a quite village everyday
like the one before"
She walks over to a chicken pen feeding them ...
She sighs
"Little town full of little people waking up to say~"

She walks around the bustling market place
Walking by the baker he nods walking around placing his buns on the window ceil mafia baker smiles
"There goes the baker with his tray like always same old bread and rolls to sell...ugh every morning just the same since the morning that we came to this poor boring town-good morning hat"! Mafia cook says adjusting his hat

She smiles
"Hello mister"!
The baker smiles
"Where are ya heading off to ..."?
"To the forest I heard there is new adventure there-that's nice COOKING MAFIA THE BAGETS HURRY UP"!

She sighs continuing to walk
"Look there goes that girl she so strange no question dazed and distracted CANT you tell...and never part of any crowd cuz her head is on some cloud no denying she's a funny girl that Hat..."

She continued to walk slipping she stopped by a black smith admiring his newest swords "ooooh"!
She smiled continued to walk as everyone watched her...
"Ah good morning.."!
It was
He smiles "how are you doing darling"?
She shrugs "I'm good I'm just walking past I'm going to the woods"!
He smiles again "well you have fun"!
She smiles running away

"Look there she goes that little girl is so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well"?

The tow mafia men say
"Now it's no wonder why her name is hat she barley even takes it off"!
An old woman says

"But behind that cute facade im afraid she is rather odd very different from the rest of us hat~"!

We see a girl with blonde hair and a mustache shoot a bird as it falls from the sky a girl with a pink bow in her hair catches it "WOAH you didn't miss a shot your the greatest hunter in the world"!
"I know I know.."!
"No other bird ...or man or kid.." This was mustache she was very popular In town she became famous in it after her strength and is adored 
Bow asks
"Y-you mean rumbi's kid"?
He nods
"Just look at that her she is perfect to join me"!

"Right from the moment that i met her saw her I knew she was powerful with those ...sand clocks"?
"You mean hour glass.."
Bow corrected


As hat skipped she bumped into someone "oof"!
It was the mustache hat sighs annoyed
"Well hello hat..."! She said chuckling
"How are you on this lovely day....."
She says as she tries to go away
But is blocked by bow kid "so-sorry..."
"Wait ..."?
"Ugh what do ya want kid..."

The story was interrupted by mustache kid
"So this dude is trying to force hat to be his ISNT that stupid"!

"Yeah he seems real stuck up too..
Hat kid nods
"Kinda reminds me of a certien mustache girl....."
"Wait a minute the girl in the story kinda sounds like-LETS CONTINUE..."!

Hat kid and the snatcher beauty and the beast parody Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu