The Mole-1

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Sam was discussing about her task force missions with Nick when Jake walked in holding a bike helmet with him. "Whoo! Extreme! Oh, you guys are probably curious about this. It's no biggie. My car's in the shop, so I rode in on Rosa's motorcycle. I guess you could say I'm a gear head now." he bragged to the whole squad.

"He held on to me so tight, it was like a two-mile Heimlich." Rosa stated the else. "Those things have no walls on them." he blamed her before spotting Holt at his desk. Apparently, there had been a mole in the squad who was leaking confidential information to many criminal syndicates.

So, the department had sent in an Internal Affairs officer to check into the matters and had taken over Holt's office for the same. The whole squad was under the radar of doubt. "That's crazy. No one here's a mole." Jake said out loud enough for all of them to hear.

"How can you be so sure?" Holt asked. "Because I know these guys. I know everything about them." he defended. "Well, you're a poor police officer if you don't think people can surprise you." the Captain countered.

"Not these people. Here, watch this. I know what everyone's gonna do tonight." he challenged the man. "It's Thursday, so Gina's gonna leave early to rehearse with her new dance group, Dancy Reagan. There the first ladies of movement." he listed.

"Amy's gonna be going over her weekly budget. Again it's Thursday, so Sam and Nick will be going for a romantic evening stroll with Marilyn at the Central Park. And Charles will be attending a "pizza for one" cooking class." he accounted for them.

"Tonight's menu: Pepper-alone-I." Charles commented. "And if I run and leap at Terry, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. Coming in!" he announced and ran to the Sergeant who reluctantly dropped his coffee and picked up Jake in his arms. 


Nick was seated in the break room, revising some files with Holt when Jake came in. "Hey, I'm about to sit down with Internal Affairs. I figure that I will charm them with a couple of quips about my own "Internal Affairs." Talking about my tum-tum." he joked.

"Please don't joke around in there. I know you're used to riffing with me, but Internal Affairs detectives rarely have my sense of humor." Holt rejected the idea immediately. "Wow, you are really worried about this investigation." Nick said.

"Peralta, this is serious. With you and Samantha especially being on the radar first, this is the most serious thing to me." Holt alerted. "Okay, fine. I promise I will be stone-cold serious in my interview. I'll even use my serious face." Jake agreed, pulling off a doubtful face. 

"If you're wondering how I'm pulling this off, I'm thinking about the time when I was eight and Don Mattingly called me a little turd." he informed. "Was he right?" Holt asked. "Yes." he admitted and then left for the meeting.

 "Wait, why would Sam be in the radar?" Nick asked confused. "Samantha had leaked on some drug-mafia case files for Jake last year, which resulted her facing a six-months suspension if you've forgotten. It's natural for the I.A.B. to doubt on her first, and then on Jake." Holt answered.

"Wait, so even if there's no mole found in the squad, they'll just put the blame on her?" he asked. "There's a very strong possibility for that to happen. That is exactly why we need to be alert till the investigation's over." Holt said before getting back to signing the files.

About twenty minutes later, Nick found Jake sitting at Amy's desk. "I did something really stupid. I need your help." Peralta said to Amy. "And I'm gonna help you but what is it?" Nick said joining the conversation.

"You know how I'm kind of a sexy bad boy who rides motorcycles into work and is always breaking the rules in the name of justice?" Jake asked them. "I don't like where this is going." Amy commented.

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