'Hey, where are you?' Kory asked.

As Eleanor went over to her bag and shoved the pregnancy test into the bottom of it, she answered, 'I've just been on the phone with Zoe. I'm heading back in now, you caught me just as I was leaving the RV.'

Eleanor pushed the door to the RV open and hung up on her friend after promising to see her inside in a short minute. Pulling herself together, Eleanor crossed the parking lot at her own pace, forcing all of her emotions back down.

She placed her hands on her stomach and cringed. She was currently growing a human in her body. The thought alone made her want to throw up.

Eleanor entered the bowling alley and walked her way through the crowd, spotting her family in the far right lane, causing the most ruckus.

'What did I miss?' She asked as she appeared next to Dick, her hands grabbing at her milkshake and straw.

'Rachel is kicking ass,' Dick said with a smile. He turned to her and asked, 'Where'd you go?'

'Zoe rang when I was going to the bathroom, I just lost track of time I guess,' she lied through her teeth.

'How is she enjoying Wayne Manor?' Dick asked as he pulled the stool out for Eleanor to sit on.

'More than I would have guessed,' Eleanor said with a small laugh. She watched the kids bowl, her eyes staying on Tim, who was arguing with someone on the phone. When Dick's phone buzzed, she accepted a kiss on the cheek from him as he grabbed the small device and quickly dashed away, eager to answer it.

Kory and Eleanor went over to the kids as Tim was hanging up the phone, 'I love you, too. Bye...'

'Who was that?' Eleanor asked him, letting Conner rest his hands on her shoulders.

'Oh, Dad,' Tim muttered. 'He's worried we're already into something.'

Gar laughed and asked, 'Hey, did you explain to him that sometimes we go hours without saving the world?'

'Yeah. I think he just wanted an excuse to call. My phone's been blowing up ever since we left.'

Kory crossed her arms. 'Aw. It's nice to have parents that miss you,' she said softly, causing him to smile.

'Yeah, nice to have parents,' Rachel muttered, earning a small laugh from Eleanor.

They all turned to look at Dick, who had just come back inside with a certain look on his face, one they could all pinpoint. He sighed as he looked at all of them.

'Is everything okay?' Kory asked carefully.

'Yeah. Everything's fine,' he said and nodded, shoving his hands into his pants pockets.

Eleanor hummed. 'Are you sure? You have that "I have news" look on your face,' she said with a small smile.

'Well, I do have news... Just got off the phone with Bruce.'

Everyone erupted into a chorus of protest, the loudest being Rachel.


'We're not going back to Gotham.'

'We're not doing that.'

'Way too soon.'

'I just left,' Eleanor muttered and scratched the back of her neck.

'For the record, I don't mind going back.' Everyone looked at Tim who shrugged innocently.

'Okay, hang on, this isn't about Gotham. It's about Metropolis.' Eleanor let her gaze flicker to Conner, who was standing on her right, his arm brushing against hers. 'Bruce and I have been talking about you wanting to meet your dad, Conner. So, Bruce made some calls and... And he wants to meet you.'

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