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Kim Dokja,had mostly avoided parties because it was a source of his dread, but his companions were unaware of the true reason. They believed he simply disliked alcohol's taste and smell, and found the sound of clinking glasses irritating.

One fateful day, after finishing a particularly challenging scenario, Dokja returned home, his heart still racing from the adrenaline of the adventure. As he stepped into their hideout, he immediately sensed something was amiss. The air was heavy with the unmistakable scent of alcohol.

His hands began to tremble, and he knew he had to drink water to calm his nerves. Without thinking, he reached for a glass on the kitchen counter. The moment his fingers touched the cool surface of the glass, panic surged through him.

Memories of his abusive father, who had a penchant for alcohol, flooded his mind. The sound of shattering glass, the acrid smell of liquor, and the terror of those moments gripped him once more. He couldn't breathe; he couldn't escape the memories.

Dokja's companions had been hiding, eager to witness his reaction to their prank. But they never expected this. They watched in horror as Dokja's panic escalated, and he ran to his room, gasping for air.

Concerned for their friend, Han Sooyoung and Jung Heewon rushed after him. They had no idea about his past trauma, and the sight of Dokja in such distress was both shocking and distressing. They entered his room to find him curled into a ball, trembling and unable to respond to their desperate calls.

"Dokja, please, tell us what's wrong," Han Sooyoung pleaded, kneeling beside him.

But Dokja couldn't speak. His mind was trapped in a nightmarish loop of memories, and he was unable to distinguish between the past and the present. His vision blurred, and he felt his strength slipping away.

Jung Heewon, panic coursing through his veins, immediately called for an ambulance. He explained the situation, emphasizing Dokja's deteriorating condition, and they were advised to rush him to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Frantically, they lifted Dokja, who was now unconscious, and carried him out of the hideout. Their playful prank had turned into a crisis, and they were overwhelmed with guilt for not realizing the extent of Dokja's trauma.

The hospital staff swiftly took over upon their arrival. Dokja was stabilized, and the medical team assured them that he would receive the necessary care. His companions waited anxiously, their hearts heavy with remorse for their thoughtless prank.

Hours later, Dokja finally began to regain consciousness. He found himself surrounded by his worried companions once more, but this time their expressions were filled with deep regret and concern.

Dokja managed a weak smile, realizing that they had no idea about his past and his traumatic connection to alcohol and glass. He couldn't blame them entirely for the prank gone wrong.

As he slowly recovered, Dokja knew that he needed to share his painful history with his companions. It was time for them to understand the root of his phobia, and it was also an opportunity for their bond to grow stronger through empathy and support.

In the days that followed, Dokja gathered his friends and shared his painful past with them. His companions listened attentively, their guilt transforming into empathy and understanding. From that day forward, they vowed to be more considerate of each other's hidden fears and traumas.

The incident had been a wake-up call for them all, a reminder that even playful pranks could have unintended consequences. They had learned a valuable lesson in the importance of open communication and the strength that could be found in supporting one another through their deepest fears and vulnerabilities.

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