"Is there any way we could meet and just talk about this?"

"Harry, I-I don't know. I've been there so much. Listen, I'll think about it. I-I should go."

"Ok. But I am so sorry for everything..." His voice cut off.

"I know, Harry, I love you."

I covered my mouth. Did I just? Yup.

"Y-yes. I-I love you too."

I clicked off the phone and looked around for something to tell me why I said that. It was obviously true but I didn't want to give Harry some kind of hope. I also didn't want Harry to say it back just because I said it. Sure, he tried to get to me today but that didn't mean he still wanted me. What was wrong with me? Harry cheated on me and I was worried about whether he forced himself to say he loved me after I let it slip. I had no idea what I wanted and what I was doing. I needed time to think. 

I rubbed the sides of my head and tried to slow down my thoughts but nothing made sense. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I started pacing.

"Christ, what is wrong with me? Why. Why did I have to go and say that?"

"Say what?"

I jumped and almost tripped over my own two feet as Laurie rounded into the kitchen.

"Jeez, Laurie!"

"What? Did I interrupt your weird mumbling to yourself? Apologies. And what did you say and to who?"

I turned away from Laurie. "Just-just something to Marc. I messed up one of the press releases."

"Wait, turn to me and say that."

Dammit. Laurie knew when I was lying. I turned and quickly repeated what I said.

"You're lying! Oh. My. God. You talked to him!!??"

"Laurie, ugh. It was terrible. I didn't even mean to actually call him. My stupid phone called him and he picked up. So, I just talked to him, sort of. But then I told him I loved him."

Laurie dropped her bag and put her hand on her hip. "You what?"

"I wasn't thinking. He asked me to meet him somewhere and I said I needed time to think about it. Then he apologized and he sounded so sad so I said I knew he was sorry and then I just said I loved him."

"Uh, ok. Did he say it back?"


"God, Rowan. So, are you two, like, ok now?"

"No, I mean, I don't know. God, this shit is so confusing. I hate not knowing what to do next."

"Listen, girl, you need to just let things happen. You are a control freak and you just need to let it just happen. You two have absolutely no idea what happened that night, and sure, I punched him, but I was in one my protective moods. Call him back and meet him somewhere and figure out what the hell happened."

I looked at Laurie and nodded. She was right. I ran into my room and grabbed my phone. I confidently hit the send button and held my breath.


"Harry? Can we meet? I'm free now or tomorrow. I go back to work Monday but I'm free until then."

"Um, yea, we can meet. I'm-I'm busy right now but tomorrow?"



The phone clicked off. That was weird. I looked down at my phone and it blinked that Harry had hung up.

"How'd it go?" Laurie asked, walking into my bedroom.

"Uh, I'm not really sure. We are meeting tomorrow."

"Well, that's great!"

"But he sounded like, distracted. Like, he was somewhere and didn't want to be disturbed but felt obligated to pick up my call."

Laurie looked at me sideways. "You really need to stop overthinking."

"I'm tired. I'm going to get some sleep."

Laurie rolled her eyes and shut my door.

I walked over to my bed and threw my phone on my bedside table. My head hurt. I curled up on my bed and replayed the conversations I had with Harry over and over in my head.

(What's up with Harry?! Comment and vote xoxo)

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