ayanokoji's gallery

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horikita was embarassed

horikita: why do you have it on your phone ayanokoji?

ayanokoji: i found it cute so i took it

horikita blushed and kei was glaring at him

manabu just smiled

sudou thoughts: cute

everyone: what the hell?

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everyone: what the hell?

keisei/akito: why tf you have that on your gallery

ayanokoji: i found it cute

haruka: really?

ryuen: kukukuku

hiyori: it really is cute

ibuki: tch wierdo

all girlls were blushing like crazy

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all girlls were blushing like crazy

boys: ayanokoji you are gay? and above all who is he?

ayanokoji: no i am not gay and it is my photo

everyone: what the hell?

kushida: no way that goomy loner is that hot (thoughts)

kei: ahh mou kiyotaka

horikita blushing: he...he....has a good body

hiyori: my book buddy is so.........

airi fainted

haruka: i never knew you have these types of pic on your phone

ayanokoji: no i don't, kei asked for it so i took it

every girl now glared at kei

satou: it is unfair

matshushita: yeah it is

ichinose: it really is karuizawa san

horikita: it is (thoughts)

kei: eh? what? he is my boyfreind

ayanokoji: not yet

kei: wdym?

ayanokoji: who knows

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