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- Sarah! you have to promise me one thing. You can't tell JJ I'm sick. - I extended my little finger towards the blonde, who immediately wrapped it with hers.

- I don't really like it, but I promise. - she said with obvious sadness on her face. I didn't want to keep secrets from JJ, but he already has too much on his mind.

I smiled gently at the girl, pulling her into a hug. I placed my head on her shoulder and single drops of tears began to flow down my cheeks. Sarah tried to calm me down and get me sorted before we went out in public.

I breathed as I wiped the wet marks from my files, no one could have noticed that I had just been crying and my friends were about to arrive. including JJ, whom he has been secretly in love with for several years. Apart from Sarah and Kie, no one knows about it. although I care less knowing that I don't have much time left, so there's no point in trying anymore and I won't win the handsome blond's favor anyway.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud bang at the door, and the rest of the minnows arrived. John B, you have the leader and founder of the second generation of minnows! right behind him is Pope, the brains of the group, the only sensible one. next came Kie, my sister, there was a year difference between us, but we were not much different from each other. our JJ was the last one to come in, he was the funny one in the group who was actually walking through the swamp. his life has been pretty fucked up, he still needs to find out about me.

- good morning, pogues! - John's joyful voice sounded, there are two options why he is so happy. either he had another stupid idea or he found another excuse to go out on a date with Sarah.

- Hi guys! - I smiled broadly, as if nothing had happened before. - and Kie! - I added after a while, and the dark-haired woman laughed.

- get up! need to fish after this hurricane. Aghata brought losses, but also many aquatic creatures. - he clapped his hands a few times, and Sarah and I got out of bed.

- I'll take us some provisions, and you go to the boat. - Kie shouted, causing everyone to rush there. apart from me, I went to help my sister and talk to her at the same time.

- you remember about our agreement, right?
- I asked, taking a case of beer. - JJ isn't supposed to know anything. - the girl nodded, she also looked sad.

- you know I don't like it. - the brunette took the rest of the things, walking towards the exit. - if it does happen, JJ will be devastated. he won't forgive himself for this. - she muttered under her breath, and when we got closer to the boat she plastered a smile on her face.

- who won't forgive whom? - JJ asked as we boarded the boat.

- nobody! - I quickly replied, sitting as far away from the blonde as possible. the boy didn't express much interest in me anyway, so I didn't think he would break down. maybe John b sooner, he's like a brother to me. but not JJ, he ignored me most of the time. he only noticed me when I was with Kie. it was obvious that he liked my sister and that was what broke my heart the most. it's not the fact that it has settled that I will abandon this place and leave my friends.

the blue-eyed man quickly lost interest in me and started a conversation with the first person he came across. I also started having conversations, but with myself in my mind. I completely drifted away, I had no contact with reality. just me and my mind.

the only thing that broke me out of this endless trance was the boat suddenly braking and JJ jumping over the side.

- God, JJ are you okay? - I shouted, leaning out of the boat. I'm supposed not to worry about him, but I can't help it. this blond guy means too much to me that I would just cut him off and throw him out of my life.

Unfortunately, I didn't get an answer, but I noticed him swimming to the surface, still holding a bottle of beer in his hand. he will never let her go, she means more in his life than me. it hurts so much that the stupid addictive drink is worth more.

I could barely listen to what the people around me were saying, I only had time to catch on that we had hit a boat that sank during a storm. I sat alone while everyone went to see everything up close. I sighed, wanting to get away as quickly as possible.

- John b! what did you find? - asked the dark-skinned boy when his friend surfaced.

- key.

- key? - they all replied.

- yes, from the hotel. - the brunette jumped back into the boat, shaking the water off himself like some mutt who came back from a walk on a rainy day.

- let's go check out the room! maybe we'll find a dead body there. - JJ suggested, and I just shuddered.

- I don't know if this is a good idea, maybe let's report it to the port? - I said, drawing everyone's attention to me. - come on? I heard that you can often get a cash prize thanks to such things. - I heard a few laughs after that. however, one of them wasn't JJ laughing, which was strange. he always laughed at my ideas.

- Kate's right. - I looked at the speaker, disbelieving his words. - maybe if no one serves us, we'll go check out the room. - did JJ himself notice me? probably because of Kie. he wants to get closer to her.

- Okay, so let's go! - as he said, so he did. Pope swam away, avoiding the sunken boat. and I returned to my thoughts. but not for long, because I was interrupted by a certain voice that I would recognize anywhere.

- Everything's all right? You've been behaving differently lately. - blue eyes looked at me, and their owner expected an immediate answer.

- yes, yes, everything is perfectly fine. - I smiled uncertainly. - why are you asking? - I added after a while. this was the essential question.

- because um... well... - the blonde started tearing up at his own words. I squinted my eyes and looked at him. was he worried? - just out of curiosity! - he quickly dispelled my thoughts, walking away from me.


I could have expected that my plan would not work. there was no need to haggle here, John b only lost fuel. and JJ probably in me.

- I think I'll pass, I don't want to break into the hotel room, what if there's another dead body there? no thanks. - I withdrew, looking at Kie and Sara, who were standing next to each other. the girls tried to convince me, saying it would be great. - maybe another time.

I smiled, waving the others to leave, my eyes crossed with JJ's, who looked somehow strange. he was so confused. I shrugged as I went my way.

My parents' restaurant was closer, so I went there too. Since my parents found out about my incurable disease, they started to become workaholics, which worried me. I was always the one helping them with their work, taking orders or putting away empty plates, and now they don't even let me do that. They think I can't overwork myself.

𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, JJ Maybank [english]Where stories live. Discover now