Chapter One: Lightning Strikes.

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A/N: And we're back in business! Welcome to Cosmic Fury, everyone! Enjoy!




Planet Zordnia . . .


THE SOUNDS OF FIGHTING COULD be heard as the Rangers were currently fighting against the monster army with the help of the Morphin Masters.

Zayto slashed some of the foot soldiers. "Where is he? Where's Zedd?" He asked.

"Here you are. Let's toast to your freedom."

"Yes, I am thirsty. For conquest!" Zedd exclaimed as he watched the Rangers fight while he cackled.

"Morphin Masters, Power Rangers, and a monster army. Who exactly are you?" Zedd questioned.

"Bajillia Naire, CEO of Squid Ink Inc." Bajilla introduced herself. "The galaxy's largest and most evil weapons corporation. We came to Zordnia to mine this planet, but a strong energy signature led us to a crystal with you inside. Forty scientists died to get you out, but it was worth it. Now, with your help, we can drive our profits sky-high by starting an intergalactic war."

"And who will be in charge of this little arrangement?" Zedd asked.

Bajillia turned to him. "You, of course. My fleet, my factories, everything I have is at your service." She responded.

"Excellent. Because if not. . ." Zedd shattered the glass in his hand, making Bajillia gasp.

"Yes, sir."

Billy and Trent — who was in his Ninja Steel form — used the cliffs as a boost before using their weapons to slash at two foot soldiers.

"Wait." Ollie paused as he slashed at one of the soldiers. "Is that Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger, Billy Cranston? He owns Cranston Technologies. . . and travels in space."

Dacoda blocked a foot soldier's attack with his sword, kicking it aside before slashing at another. "Ollie, I swear if you're lying to me right now, I will sock you in the face." He threatened.

"I'm not! Take a look." Ollie said.

Dacoda glanced over, seeing Trent fighting alongside Billy. "Oh great heavens it is. My inner fanboy mode is activated." He spoke in amazement.

"Careful. You're gonna make your girlfriend jealous." Amelia told him.

An explosion soon appeared as Master Pink struck a monster. Mick transformed back into his human form.

"I'm on fire! I'm on fire!" Mick exclaimed. "Ah."

Billy and Trent continued slashing at the soldiers. "Some research trip this turned out to be, Billy." Mick complained.

"Sorry." Billy apologized.

"Mick? What are the odds?" Amelia questioned.

(on hold!) 𝗚𝗔𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗖 ⸺ 𝖢𝗈𝗌𝗆𝗂𝖼 𝖥𝗎𝗋𝗒 ²Where stories live. Discover now