My head snapped up following the sound, and words seemed to die in Hassan's throat.

My dad, in his day-to-day, off-white shalwar kameez, stepped outside. His gaze was sharp, focused on Hassan and then moved on to me. I remained a statue under his intimidating gaze. To be caught in a situation like this was more than was shameful.


He looked at me, the lower ends of my hijab flowing with the wind, my slightly pink hands clenching the 2 garden chairs, and the stupefied expression that was no doubt on my face.

Hassan, who was now holding his rucksack by the handle instead of on his shoulder, spoke, interrupting my dad and I's stare-off "Uncle!"

My dad turned to look at Hassan with slight recognition and I followed his gaze in confusion as well. Uncle?

"Hassan." My dad nodded his head.

Hassan nodded his head back with a giddy expression.

Baba stepped further into the driveway. "Did you come for some work?"

"Ji (yes) uncle. My dad sent me"

Baba nodded his head in understanding. He rubbed his beard. That's what he did when he's thinking hard about something.

"Ok. Tomorrow's Saturday, come by my office. I'll set you up with something then."

"Ok uncle. Thank you." He scurried forward to give my Baba a hand shake which my Baba accepted, and then he walked out of the driveway. My eyes followed Hassan's retreating figure, and he turned his head to lock his gaze on me.

Lower your gaze

I averted my eyes to the ground as he walked away.

My hands trembled slightly. Whether that was because of the hold on the chairs weighing down on me, or my anxiety of what was to come, I don't know.

I felt Baba's gaze on me as I turned around and placed the chairs that were in my hands in the open shed. I motioned to the remaining chairs laid on the ground, "I'll put these back and then I'll come inside."

"What were you doing?" His face had turned sour, far from the pleasant act he had put on for Hassan.

"Baba, the chairs had blown with the wind. I think it's time to put the-"

"That's not what I'm talking about" He stepped closer to me while motioning behind him absentmindedly to Hassan's now far-away figure. "What were you doing with Hassan?"

I have nothing to hide. I did nothing wrong. With that thought in my mind, I calmly began to speak, "Baba, he goes to my school. I think he only started today. I'm not sure. I had to show him to class because he ended up getting lost. But, that's all I know about him really. I was surprised to see him here at the house. I didn't know you knew him. He acted like he had some business here and said his family knew ours? But,  then you came outside and I'm guessing you've sorted it out. Is everything ok?"

I ended my speech on a question to act like I had no idea who the guy was or his relationship with us. And it's not a lie. I have no idea who the dude is, or why I've crossed paths with him twice today.

I made sure not to include any other details: such as Hassan saying he followed me home, or that he was looking for a girl called Zahra Hussain. ...Yeah, I'm not sure my dad would react well to a guy saying those words to me. It would be an invitation to house arrest for life, which I would never willingly put myself through.

His eyes assessed me carefully as if gouging if what I was saying was the truth. When he saw me and Hassan together, I could see his eyes had a twinge of fire in them. To see his daughter talking alone with a boy must have made him angry. I'm his daughter, I have a sensor for when he's close to erupting on me. Hence, the quick damage control.

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