"The-The fuck are you man?!" He asked as Jaune looked at him.

"Who am I? Who am I? Isn't that the question we all ask ourselves, who are we? The answer is simple..... I'm me." Jaune said before he grabbed the shotgun barrel and yanked it from the guys hand before slamming the butt of it into the guys face then looking at the others.

"What? Scram." He said as they ran off and Jaune grabbed the cash and handed it to the clerk.

"Here you go." He said to the woman.

Just then a man walked out from behind the counter.

"Thank you sir. Thank you. Those punks have been terrorizing this area for years. Now they'll be finally dealt with." The owner said as Jaune simply nodded.

"Tell you what. Pick out any items you want. On the house. Weapons and clothing. I'm sure the register will cover it." He said as Jaune looked around.

"Tess, go with him and ensure he gets the help he needs." The owner said as the girl behind the counter walked out and followed Jaune.

"You need anything sir?" She asked.

Jaune is looking at a leather jacket, sleeveless black shirt with a pair of black jeans with a leather belt with a crow style belt buckle and boots along with some black gloves.

"This suits you sir." She said.

"You think so?" Jaune asked.

"Yeah." Tess said.

Jaune then picks it and goes to look at the weapons and sees a pair of escrima sticks and retractable claws.

"Ah looking at the twins Woe and Agony and the claws are known as Grave Mistake." The owner said as I looked at them.

"I'll take them." I said looking at the man.

He nodded.

"The escrima sticks are infused with dust so beating on Grimm or the occasional bad guy will be a breeze. The claws are reinforced steel titanium so they pack a punch." He said as I grabbed them and then went to the backroom to change on the way he saw some face paint and grabbed some showing the owner who nodded.

I took off the faded shirt I wore and took inventory of the scars that adorned my body. The long jagged one that went down my neck as well as the one my sister gav me which killed me, the one that went down my ribcage. The ones over my right eye and left arm and right hand. I then touched the one on my chest and then turned around to see that I had one on my back mirroring my chest.

I then took off my old shoes and socks as well as my jeans and underwear and put on the underpants and then the black jeans I got. I then threw on a sleeveless compression shirt that was black along with the black leather jacket. I also then put on the shinguards I grabbed followed by the boots. Then I put on the gloves I got and attached the claws to them and tested them out. I saw the escrima sticks had a magnetic holster with them as I slipped that on under my jacket and then let the escrima sticks attach to their holster. I then took the face paint and did a crow motif face paint with two lines under my lips on my chin and then a careful crescent moon on my head. I looked at my look and then walked out as the store crew looked at me.

"W-Wow. You look amazing mister. But I never did get your name....." The shop keeper said.

I thought about it as I pulled the mask I grabbed up and started to walk out.

"Just call me.....The Crow." I said as I walked out into the rain and looked to see a crow fly towards me then suddenly turned to smoke and meld with me.

I felt something and lifted my shirt to see a tattoo appear in my chest and then my back as well when I felt heat on my back.

"Huh. Interesting. Now.....to go to the one person who might know how to help me. Time to pay the Headmaster a visit." I said as I began to walk through the rainy streets of Vale as I came to a realization that I had no way to get to Beacon as the Bullhead docks would be closed at this time. I can't exactly just stroll into Beacon in broad daylight. People would be asking questions.

Just then I felt the tattoo on my back begin to burn as smoke surrounded me....and I was shockingly turned into a crow. I then concentrated and turned into my human self again. I practiced doing this a few times until I got the hang of it. It seems that as long as I imagine it I could go between human and crow form. I then remembered what my great grandfather told me.

"Jaune I want you to always remember this about Revenants. Whatever animals they represent they can turn into them as well as take on certain aspects of them. They can see through the eyes of their animals, they can channel them through them to increase things like speed, strength, reflexes and much more. But all Revenants have one t hing in common....once their reason for being made a Revenant is completed they will return to the afterlife. Until then they are deemed immortal and unkillable."

I remember that it is believed that a Revenant has up to three animals they channel. So far I have found the crow as one. There is a chance I could have more. Just then I heard a noise from behind me as I reacted and flipped over to see a car pass under me as I landed on all four like a cat would. Just then I felt another burning sensation as I looked to see another tattoo appear....this one was a snarling cat face on my right forearm. Just then I heard a snarl and looked up.

There in front of me stood a panther. Fur as black as the night around us and eyes as red as a fresh cut Ruby gemstone. It's fangs as sharp as knives and white as fresh snow. Claws the color of silver in the moonlight.

It then snarled and charged at me but once it was close to me.....turned on into smoke and went into the tattoo. I then took a breath and focused. Just like with the crow I learned I was able to turn into a panther as well. That made two for me. I then decided to go not to Beacon....but my grave site and contemplate what has happened....after I scared a store owner by walking in as a panther and taking a book titled The Raven and a book my mom used to read to us back home called the Crow, The Owl and the Dove. With that I arrived at the grave site.

A small headstone with the symbol of Vale and Beacon adorning the top of it with simple worlds written on it.

"Here lies Jaune Mathias Arc. Son. Friend. Student. Hero. May the Brothers and Oum bless his soul for all time." I read. With that I say down and decided to read a bit.

"And so I saw the Owl, so old yet wise. It showed no signs of startle as I walked it and it I. Its golden eyes stared as if it was piercing my soul and youth with it's gaze. Unlike the Crow from before which kept its distance. The Owl was unsure if it should perch on my shoulder or stay its distance." I read.

Just then I heard something and hid my books and jumped into the trees and watched.....as Ozpin walked up with Miss Goodwitch.

"Hello again Jaune my boy. I know you recently were buried....but I wanted to deliver these. From your friends and family." Ozpin said as I saw Miss Goodwitch lay the flowers down.

I felt as if I could trust them.....so I spoke a verse I remembered from one of the books.

"A crow flew to me, kept it's distance
Such a proud creation
I saw it's soul, envied it's pride
But needed nothing it had." I said from my branch I was sitting on as they both turned to see me.

"Who's there?!" Miss Goodwitch asked when Ozpin spoke.

"Don't give me love, don't give me faith, wisdom nor pride just give innocence instead." Ozpin spoke as he walked up.

"Hello Ozpin." I said as he sighed in sympathy.

"Hello.....Jaune." he said as I jumped down and landed and walked out of the shadows.

"M-Mr. Arc?!" Miss Goodwitch asked.

"Hello Miss Goodwitch, Headmaster." I said.

"I see you became one." Ozpin said

"Yes. I'm a Revenant. And I'm no longer known as Jaune Arc......Call me the name of the First Revenant Known......Call me the Crow." I said staring at them both.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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