Crazy people and death loops

Start from the beginning

She had been the one to send him out yet passing by her room it had appeared that she might have been the most obsessed out of them all.

And Beatrice wasn't the only one who felt that way.

If by some odd chance Subaru showed up right now and said he wanted to apologize for leaving then it would be the half elf who would look at him with crazy eyes and be the first one to tie his arms and legs together at the dawn of night to prevent him from ever leaving again.

Maybe it had been best for him to leave before this persona of hers manifested any earlier.

"So~ what made you leave the room Beatrice, I was starting to get worried. "

Beatrice hated that look in her eyes. She had looked like she cared but deep down that half demon could care less what Beatrice or the others thought. If by some off chance something harmed that boy then that person better be prepared to receive an ice flower to the chest.

That was how crazy that girl was, and Beatrice wanted no part in it. If she could she would find Subaru in secret and run off with him before this girl ever got hands on the poor boy.

(When I find you we'll definitely stay away from this girl.) Beatrice thought.

"Rosswaal sent that half beast girl to come fetch me, I suppose. She said be ready by the earliest morning and to bring pillows as the trip will be long but as a spirit I don't require such things."

She may have regretted that later but she didn't care.

"Wow, You're going to be sooo sleepy. "

Emilia clasped her hands together and made the face of a child who was happy for being able to eat sweets that day. Her silver haired swayed in the wind and Beatrice found herself becoming angry at that small motion.

"Hmmm ?"

Emilia had looked to the side and caught a glimpse of two individuals that threw their luggage into the carriage like it had been nothing. When they locked eyes they gave off wonderful childish smiles and made their way towards the silver and cream colored hair girls.

These two were also some girls she disliked, especially the blue haired one.

"Greetings Emilia-sama."

"Hello Emilia."

Both the maid girls bowed their heads but when the pink one opened her eyes and saw the other struggling she grabbed her by the collar and brought her down as well. Even if the blue haired maid had at one point been the better one out of the two a few events happened and she had quickly and smoothly been dethroned by her sister.

The maids brought their attention elsewhere.

"Hello Beatrice-sama it is good to see that you have left that room."

Ram spoke with such care that Beatrice almost let out a smile of pride.

"I suppose coming outside has been beneficial for my skin, I will admit it does become stuffy after a while."

"So~ how is Garfiel doing, I haven't seen him in awhile, are his injuries okay ?"

"Yes, Garf's injuries are healing fine so he and Frederica will be staying at the manor Emilia-sama. "

Beatrice sighed it had been a shame that those two couldn't come. Garfiel who had been the only one to not change and Frederica who was just easy to talk to(sometimes) were the only ones that Beatrice could handle, the others just felt like an annoyance.


It was Rem who had stuck her hand out and it was Ram that dismissed her. It appears that Rosswaal called for assistance from the driver seat of the carriage, apparently the packages are getting more difficult to load with just a single person, and since Rem was the physically stronger one out of the twins it had been a perfect setup for the head maid to do. And also for that blue haired twin to clear her head for once.

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