Crazy people and death loops

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Beatrice had not been the only one with a frown on her face. Behind that blue butterfly eyed girl there had been a deep dark pit that had been eating away at her heart ever since that boy had left and moved along in the world. It wouldn't be fair to the others if she had said she was the sole person suffering.

What had caused that beginning of mass suffering had been something so little none would have guessed it had been the reason. One singular soul that didn't have much of anything at all unexpectedly had the most value out of everyone in that little group. Why was that ?

Beatrice, who had not left that borrowed room or showed any emotion besides anger and sadness watched as the carriage in front of her was being loaded with resources and luggage that would normally last two months if used correctly stack and be tied down to the back of the second compartment in the carriage.

She had faintly remembered the reason for this trip.

To find a Ryuzu clone that had miraculously ended up in Kararagi that held some secrets that only Rosswal seemed to know.

The group had only been told to pack their bags and that it was something important that Rosswaal needed to do. Yet that was not the reason she had decided to partake in this journey.

Natsuki Subaru the boy who had brought her out of that hard to breathe library and exposed her to the real world. As well as her one and only contractor in what had been 400 years since being born and made to serve Echidna the witch of greed had disappeared in some far off land.

Roswaal had also been 400 years old in a way, but. He didn't value Subaru the way she valued him.

When things got hard and Subaru found himself scratching at his own flesh and blood it had been Betty who had brought him back to the world. When Subaru had needed help when his own physical capabilities couldn't play a factor it had been her who had lended him magic.

It had been her that kept him alive even after his gate had expired.

She was the sole reason he was alive.

Without her he would end up dying as he would explode into one million pieces. And without him Beatrice couldn't find another reason to live again for as long as she did. If Subaru somehow died she would've bound his soul to her so that they may never split apart.

That's just how important she was to him. She needed to return back to his side and take his mana like she would normally do.

"Beatrice ? "

It had been the devil herself to have broken her concentration.

Beatrice looked up in displeasure as she made a face that seemed like she had eaten something sour and had stuck out her tongue to forget the taste.

"What is it you want from little ol me, I suppose."

The girl who had long silver hair, purple eyes, and elf ears tilted her head at Beatrice who had been staring at her intently, seemingly waiting for her to respond.

Not that she wanted her too.

"What a pretty day isn't it ? "

"That would be irrelevant if things had not been made like this."

In truth the day had certainly been beautiful. The clouds had parted and the sun beamed down. No heat was present and it wasn't so cold to where they had to bring wool jackets to maintain warmth on their slender bodies. To her it had been a good day physically.

But that had not been true for what's within.

In her personal world things may not have been the same. It was rather gloomy when she looked at it. And this half devil girl didn't make it any better with her constant optimism.

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