Sudden, blissful heat (Omegaverse, NSFW)

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*Contains some haikyuu manga spoilers*


"Akaashi… Don't tell me you didn't see the normal me out there!?".

Akaashi quickly figured that Bokuto's definition of 'normal' wasn't at all the same as his.

"Ah, pardon me. I meant that as in 'you were extremely normal' ".

"Right!? Extremely normal!", Bokuto replied, proud of himself, leaving Tenma having no idea of what they were talking about.

The interview lasted about fifteen minutes. Bokuto answered all of the questions cheerfully, always getting carried away and ranting a bit about the match the Black Jackals just won against the Adlers.

Once the interview was over, Akaashi and Tenma gathered their things, the latter leaving the room first. Bokuto then followed, giving Akaashi an amused smile and a wink, drawing a smile from the dark-haired man.

Not everyone knew about their relationship yet, so if they were in public, they were careful not to show that they were together.

Both went separate ways to greet their former class-mates and friends from school, and Bokuto was just rejoicing in the attention and compliments.

But Akaashi couldn't keep his eyes away from him.

He felt it during the match as well: that tingling feeling in his stomach and his breathing becoming irregular, catching more and more of Bokuto's scent. Just like the initial states of his heat.

He didn't think it was possible since he had one two weeks ago, and Bokuto took care of it. Really good care of it.

He managed to get the interview done. But now, that urge and attraction were starting to be even more intense.

At one point, he couldn't keep talking. He thanked that most were starting to leave the gym, and he wanted to do the same with Bokuto, but the latter kept greeting more and more people, sociable and outgoing as he is.

"Damn it, why now?", Akaashi thought, feeling his heart race more and more, and he was sure he was beginning to spread his pheromones all over the place.

He quickly avoided the crowd and headed to the bathroom, suddenly feeling so hot it was suffocating.

Just when he was about to enter the men's bathroom, he thought about the possibility of other alphas being there, and the mere thought of anyone else but Bokuto claiming him made him run away, terrified.

Akaashi went to the small room where they interviewed Bokuto, since it was the only place he knew there. He locked the door and panted with need, his dick hard and his guts aching, feeling slick beginning to leak.

He couldn't explain how or why his heat developed so fast this time. He just yearned for Bokuto to come, to somehow sense that he needed him.

With trembling hands, Akaashi took out his phone to call him, when he heard someone knocking on the door.

"Akaashi? You're in there, right?", Bokuto said. "Are you ok?".

The golden-eyed man could tell something was off with Akaashi before the interview, so as soon as he smelled a hint of his scent, he took one suppressor, just in case.

And he was glad he did, because during and after the interview, and when he walked near him, his scent hit him so hard he almost felt dizzy and out of control. That addictive, intoxicating, fruity and sweet scent with a slight hint of mint that drove him crazy.

He excused himself from the people he was talking to, all his senses fixed on Akaashi's scent. It wasn't hard for him to follow its trace and find the beloved source of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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