Part 2: Let's do it then!

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-    Ooh yess, you definitely need this! – Jess told me while she raised a laced black underwear set.
-    I don't know J, I worked really hard to get this job, I don't want anything to distract me.
-    Oh, come on this is very nice, you never know what the future holds for you, and also you can have some fun. – she winked at me. I put away that clothing and went into the bathroom.

The thing is, I do not want to have anything serious while I am settling in the new world I am about to experience. I always wanted to be a part of the F1 community, I do not want to blow it up with an affair.

-    I still cannot believe you are going to Miami. I want to go too! – Jessica made a sad face, which was hilarious.
-    It is truly unbelievable. I know, the best would be if you were there too. – I hugged her.
-    Maybe another time. Now let's finish packing you need a flight to caaatch! – she jumped up from my bed and started pulling the zip on my suitcase which was hard.

Because, of course like every other woman, I packed way too many clothes for a week, but hey it is safe to say I have a couple of back up options.

Finally, I packed, and J drove me to the airport and basically pushed me in the gates.

-    I'm gonna miss you so much Em. Write me every day and gosh send me pictures!
-    I will, but you have to keep me update of what' s going on here too!
-    Okay now go do not miss your flight! Bye love you! – she hugged me and i started walking to the check-in desk.

I waited in front of the gates, did some pre-work for the weekend, and listened my favourite songs. I looked up and suddenly I saw a bunch of orange T-shirted people sitting in front of me. Yes, they were the part of the McLaren team. I was just looking at them, like there is no way I am really here, I am truly a part of it, it is not a dream anymore. I took my camera out and asked them if it was okay if I take a picture of them. They were so kind; they even pose for me. I thanked them and we started chatting a little bit.

-    So, are you a professional F1 photographer? – one of the guys asked me.
-    Yes, I am. Huh it was weird to say it out loud. It will be my first grand prix, so this whole thing is new for me.
-    Cheers mate!
-    Congratulations girl! It is amazing you are going to love it. – one girl said to me with a thick Scottish accent I think – I am Katie by the way, and if you want to hang out through the weekends or just want to talk, we are open for it.
-    God you are too nice thank you so much! I am Emily. – I shook her hand and after everyone introduced themselves.
-    It's no problem at all, we know how busy each weekend can be, so some partying can relax us really well. Here is my number, you can text me anytime you want. – I thanked her, and soon the gates were open, so we boarded.

The flight was long, I have never been up in air for this long. Meanwhile I edited the group picture of the McLaren guys and put in a file named „The true face of F1". I want to take pictures, that are not for work, not the serious sport photos that my boss wants, the images that shows how everyone lives and works in this world. You can say behind the scenes pictures.

We arrived at Miami and waved to Katie and the other ones and watched them get in the McLaren minivan. I took a taxi and went to the hotel. "The hotel" where everyone stayed who came to work to the Miami Grand Prix. Outside the building there were so many people with different team T-shirts. Everyone was busy checking-in, pulling their suitcases and chatting with each other. Of course, I took a picture of it in the lobby. I checked in and took the elevator to the 17th floor. I opened my room's door, and I dropped my bags. It was breath-taking. I immediately Face-timed Jess and showed my room to her.

-    I am so jealous right now.
-    I cannot believe it either. And look at this view of the beach. – I showed here the private beach of the hotel. – Oh, the sun is going down in an hour, I have to take some pictures of it, I will call you later J. Love you.

I hanged up the phone and took my camera and made my way to the beach. I arrived and took out my camera and put it down to capture every minute of the American sunset. I clicked recording and sat down a few steps next to it, so I can properly see with my own eyes. The light wind slightly touched my skin, I almost started freezing, yet it felt pleasant. I buried my toes into the sand and hugged my knees. I did not think of anything, I felt so happy.

As I was watching the ocean, how calming it was, suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder.

-    G'day ma'am!
-    Jesus, oh my... – I jumped in my place and put my hand on my chest.
-    I am so sorry for scaring you. – he laughed a little bit. – I just wanted to ask if it's okay if I take some picture of you. Oh gosh don't misunderstand me I am not a creep, it's just that you look so beautiful and the background is matching your vibe.
-    Hi. Thank you but I do not like if someone is taking pictures of me, I do not think I am the perfect one for modelling.
-    Oh, don't be silly, yes you are the best. Look. – and with that he took a photo of me and showed me. – See? It is beauteous.

I looked at it and yes it was okay, I did not have a double chin or a bad hair, so you know what fuck it, new job new lifestyle, although I really don't like if someone takes a picture of me, besides Jessica, she already saw in my worsts.

-    Um, yes, it is not bad. Alright tell me what I have to do. – I smiled at him. I swear his smile touched his ears; he was so happy.
-    Alrighty! Just look there, yes like this, and put your arms on the ground behind your back. – he positioned me and started taking the pictures.

He was like a child in the playground, he enjoyed every moment of the photoshoot. When we finished, he showed me, and honestly it was not that bad.

-    These are quite good I have to say, needs a little bit of editing but it is definitely not bad. – I told him with a smile. He had this aura I don't know have to explain it but ever since I met him, I did not stop smiling.
-    Thank you for being my model and also thanks for the tip. Are you an editor? – he asked me.
-    No, no actually I am a photographer.
-    Oh shit, now I feel stupid... – he laughed and scratched the back of his neck. – I have abso-bloody-lutely no idea of how to take professional pics, and I was talking to you like I knew what I was doing. – he laughed even harder.
-    Haha, no it is alright, actually you are talented, these photos Monsieur maybe will be published one day.
-    Maybe, but because of the model, not the photographer. – he winked at me, and I immediately blushed and looked down. – By the way I am Daniel.
-    Nice to meet you, I am Emily. – I shook his hand. – So, if you are not a photographer then, what do you do?
-    Umm... I am a driver.
-    I see. – I smiled at him and looked at my watch. – Oh gosh it's that late? I have to go, I have work tomorrow. – I started packing my camera setup.
-    I have to go too but is it possible that you give me your phone number, so I can send you the edited pictures? – he asked with a smirk on his face. Man, he is so cute.
-    Yes, of course. – I took his phone and write my number in it. – Thank you for sending me the pictures, and it was really nice to meet you, Daniel.
-    Oh, it was my pleasure. Good night, Emily. – we said goodbye and I went back to my hotel room.

Right away I texted Jess. She is never going to believe what just happened. I fucking gave my number to Daniel Ricciardo. Oh god I had with me today some McLaren magnet or what?

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