Aeon: Finally! What took you so long?

Marinette: Sorry. It was long hours at the diner.

She looked around, trying to spot her teacher

Marinette: Wait a minute. Where's Mrs. Rolling?

Aeon: She's out sick, so Mr. Couffaine will be our chaperone to London.

Marinette: Mr. Couffaine? But I thought he was the university's history teacher.

Aeon: Well, Principal Wang asked for him to do it.

Marinette: Oh, I see.

Aeon: So, are you excited?

Marinette: I'm actually really excited. I can't wait! This trip is going to be amazing!

Aeon: But aren't you going to be sad that you won't see Adrien?

Marinette: Actually, Adrien told me that he'll actually be in London attending a wedding.

Aeon: Oh, that's interesting.

Just then, Luka approached the young students & pulled off his glasses

Luka: Okay. Does everyone have everything ready to go?

Everyone: Yes, Mr. Couffaine.

Luka: Good. Then let's get going.

Everyone placed their stuff on the bus & climbed on, taking their seats

Marinette smiled & plugged her cell phone into the outlet

Aeon: Wow! This bus is so big! I didn't expect for it to be this comfortable.

Marinette: Yeah, I wasn't expecting it either.

Aeon: So, Marinette, what are you most excited about?

Marinette: Well, I plan on looking around at all of the designs that there are & hope to find something that inspires me. I want to be able to make my dreams come true.

Aeon: That's cool! I can't wait to find out about all of the fashion pieces in London!

Marinette: I'm excited for that too!

Just then, her phone began ringing & she answered it

Marinette: Hello?

Tom: Honey, it's me.

Marinette: Dad?! Is everything okay? How's Mom? How is her surgery doing?

Tom: She's going to be going into surgery in the next few weeks. Where are you right now?

Marinette: I'm sorry, dad. But I'm actually leaving for a field trip in London. I hope you're not mad.

Tom: Oh, no, I'm not. But your aunt is.

Marinette heard her aunt screaming in the background & let out a soft groan of annoyance

Marinette: Don't worry. I'll explain everything to Auntie later. But take care of everything while I'm gone, okay?

Tom: Okay, Marinette. And have fun on your trip.

Marinette: I will, Dad.

She hung up the phone & Marinette leaned in the chair, beginning to read a magazine

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