She sighed as she found Ryan. He had his back to her, with only his shoulders illuminated by the moon light. She scurried over, her eyes half open as she grabbed his arm, "come on" she said as she ushered him out of the living room. 

As they began walking Ryan stood on her slipper causing it to fall off, "Hey!" she said now slightly more awake. She became fully awake when she looked down to find her slipper only to see Ryan's fully erect cock staring straight back at her. She gulped as she stared at it, it was huge, 8 inches easily, and thick with veins. She tried to look away but couldn't. Christian's penis was frustratingly average and hadn't given her the full experience she had so needed. Ryan took another step forward, still asleep. Beth felt his cock against her body. Her heart beat faster as her breathing became short and short, her cheeks were red and she no longer felt the cold. She stumbled back as Ryan's naked body pressed against hers. "Wow, steady sailor" she said quietly. If she didn't stop him, he would fall over and hurt himself. While Ryan and Beth didn't always get along this was a step to far for the oldest and middle child, in terms of embarrassment.

She looked around in the dark room, squinting as she searched for the couch. Ryan walked away from her into the dark, out of sight. "Ryan, Ryan!" she whispered. She bent down and reached her hands out searching for the lamp switch. Her hands waved slowly around as she desperately felt around.

She was sure she was close when she accidentally kicked the stool next to the couch. She leaned forward and then quickly pulled her hand back. She felt her cheeks go bright red again. She cautiously reached out again. Feeling something that was both hard and soft. Immediately, she knew what it was. It was Ryan's fully flaccid cock that she was caressing. She felt it twitch and smiled. She moved closer feeling the couch arm until she found the lamp. She turned the lamp on and was finally able to see Ryan completely naked.

She had not seen her brother naked since they were younger. He had grown since then, he was now 6'2, skinny, pale, short blonde hair, blue eyes, strong jaw line and had a monster 8 inch cock. It felt so wrong, but also so right. She had butterflies all over her body and she felt them inside her. She was nervous, or turned on, or something! What ever it was she wasn't sure. She got on her knees admiring his cock. Biting her lip as she questioned what to do.

It began to go limp as Ryan and moved from his sleep walking state to sleeping. Without thinking, she grasped his frailing penis and began pumping it slowly so as to not wake him. She was shaking now. What if someone saw? What if Ryan woke up? What would they do? What would they say? her mind raced, but she noticed she was still pumping his cock and it was getting hard in her hand. He moaned quietly as she continued.

Her eyes fixated on her brothers cock. He moaned quietly again, Beth felt hornier every time she moaned. She wanted, no needed to hear more. She lent in, licking from the base of his cock, her chin lightly caressing his balls as she licked up the shaft of his cock. She reached the tip of his penis and licked off the pre-cum that was crowning, It was salty. He moaned again and Beth felt her pussy tremble. She licked from base to tip again, this time her tongue circled the top of his cock. He continued to moan as Beth licked his cock.

Eventually she stopped and looked around to make sure nobody was watching. If she was caught now she would die from embarrassment. How would she even explain her brothers cock in her hand or mouth. She bit her lip and with a big breath out. Took his cock in her mouth. She began slowly as she bobbed her head.

Slowly she built in pace, Ryan continued to moan. His pre-cum was filling Beth's mouth. She pulled off his cock and swallowed the pre-cum. Beth then made a radical decision. What if Ryan came? she didn't want any on her clothes, how would she explain that, and her panties were getting wetter. She stood up and took her singlet off, along with her panties before getting back on her knees, continuing to suck Ryan's cock.

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