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DISCLAMIER: this is mostly not canon to the crk storyline the real canon timeline is still going so this ending to the main storyline is famade

Trigger warnings: mentions of war

You have heard the story of the ancient heroes and the dark flour war but have you ever heard the aftermath of the whole war.

Well after gingerbrave and his team found all the ancients,defeated dark enchantress and brought back white lily all the darkness went away and things changed quite a bit.

Well surprising or not surprising depending on how you view the story white lily cookie and pure vanilla cookie fell in love and soon enough got married to each other and the same thing happened to holleyberry cookie and pitaya dragon cookie.

Dark cacao reunited and made amends with him and got to meet his granddaughter oreo cream cookie.

Eventually all the ancients minus dark cacao cookie had children and it became agreed on they would be the future ancient cookies.

Well, remember how I said that all the darkness went away? Well it was a half lie the truth is that when dark enchantress cookie was defeated her soulstones remained and they were spread out all over earthbread and all were heavily guarded.

Well the cookies of darkness when the war happened only two members remained pomegranate cookie and affogato cookie. They were immediately trapped in a special prison. Well this is how everyone thought the story ended but if I said that was the end of this story that would be a lie.

You see, before the war all three of them took a piece of their dough and created three children and sent them to an orphanage and left them all a letter telling them what happened to them but they made sure that it made it sound like that the heroes were the villains.

In the present day it's been 20 years after the war and no darkness has been seen in earth bread but i want you to keep this one saying in mind.

History always repeats itself.


Pure vanilla pov

I slowly woke up to the familiar ringing sound of my alarm clock going off at the same time every morning at 6am.

I slowly sat up in the vanilla and lily themed bed to be greeted by my beautiful wife "white lily cookie" kissing my cheek.

"Good morning love.." she said while stretching out and moving her snow white hair out of her magenta eyes. "Good morning lily, have a good rest?" I asked her as I began to get out of bed to start the beautiful day, she nodded and did the same and we both began to shower and get ready for the day.

Once me and white lily were done getting ready we took each other's hands and began to walk into the main castle hall to be greeted by a daughter helping and healing a guard who had accidently injured himself.

Me and white lily smiled seeing our daughters kindness and it felt better knowing she was to soon be the next ancient and holder of the soul jam that held the light of freedom along with her brother custard cookie the III who was gonna get my soul jam that held the light of truth.

"White gardenia? Sweetheart what happened?" I approached the two cookies and bent down to help the guard as well. "He injured himself with his sword while training and I was the only one available at the moment because you and mama were asleep and custard is not in the kingdom right now."

I nodded understanding the situation as I helped heal the injured guard and sent him on his way. "You know sweetheart this proves furthermore you're gonna be a great ruler and ancient." white gardenia gave a nervous face and just nodded. I gave a small frown. I knew she was more nervous than excited to become the next ancient and ruler.

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