Walking In The Rain

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Exer's POV:

The rain poured relentlessly, drenching the empty streets of our dimly lit town. Under the cold, unforgiving downpour, everything felt surreal, and in that moment, nothing else in the world seemed to matter.

David and I stood facing each other, the raindrops clinging to our hair and clothes, as if nature itself were bearing witness to the profound moment that had just unfolded. It was a moment I never expected to experience, a moment that defied all logic—I was in love with my best friend.

As our lips met in a kiss that was both electrifying and tender, it was as though the universe had conspired to silence all our doubts and fears. The overthinking, the denial, the years of hidden emotions—they all dissolved into the night.

After our kiss, we held each other tightly, locked in a gaze filled with affection and longing. It was an unspoken confession, an acknowledgment of something we had both felt but never dared to voice.

Then, I noticed a faint sniffle from David. Panic gripped me; had I done something wrong? Did he regret this?

"What's wrong, Day? Did I do something to upset you?" Urgency laced my words as I searched his eyes for answers.

"N-nothing," David stammered, his voice quivering. "I'm just overwhelmed with happiness that you feel the same way, Exer. I've been overthinking this for so long, and I'm just so happy you feel the same."

His words were a balm to my soul, tears of joy streaming down my face. I looked at the boy I had loved silently for so long, the boy I never thought I could be with, and I knew—I loved David Miller.

Slowly, I leaned in for another kiss, our lips meeting with a newfound intensity, fueled by the desires we had suppressed for far too long. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, and I wished we could remain in that embrace forever.

Yet, the relentless rain and the chill in the air gradually pulled us back to reality. "Maybe we should go back to my house," I suggested, not wanting David to be uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm freezing," David replied, reaching for my hand, our fingers interlocking.

We walked through the wet streets, hands entwined, sharing a comfortable silence that spoke volumes. It was a silence of understanding, of acceptance, of a love that had finally found its voice.

Approaching my front porch, the warm light spilling from the open front door revealed my dad standing there, worry etched on his face. "There you are, Exer. I was starting to worry," he said, walking down to us. Then he noticed our intertwined hands and pulled me into a hug. "I'm proud of you, son."

As we broke the hug, I looked at David, who seemed slightly panicked at my dad's knowledge of our secret. Sensing David's fear, my dad reassured him, "Don't worry, David. If this is what I think it is between the two of you, I'm very happy that my son picked someone he trusts and feels safe with. I know you love my son, and I know how much he loves you."

David's voice quivered as he pleaded, "Please don't tell my father, Mr. Campbell. That's all I ask, and I promise to love and take care of your son."

My dad's gaze softened. "Don't worry, you two. Your secret is safe with me." He brought us in for a group hug, cementing his support for our love.

We sought refuge from the cold rain in my home, and David, with a tired smile, asked, "Can I stay over again?"

"Of course, Day. You're always welcome here," I replied, my voice filled with warmth. "Thanks, Ex," he said, his tired eyes meeting mine. That nickname had a special place in my heart.

We ran up the stairs giggling.

Just as David settled onto my bed, my dad appeared in the doorway once more. "David, if you want to stay over, you should call your mom right now, so she doesn't worry."

David nodded and headed downstairs to make the call. Alone with my dad,
"Why did he leave beforehand" My dad asks trying to get a better understanding of what happened
"I messed up," I confessed, fidgeting with my hands, avoiding eye contact. "We nearly kissed, and then I completely rejected him out of fear. I told him to forget about it when it meant something to him."

My dad's eyes held understanding and sympathy. "I could tell there was something different about your affection towards him," he admitted. "But I didn't want you to feel like you had to tell me. Please reassure him that I won't say anything to his father. I know William isn't too fond of people who are... gay."

"Okay, Dad, I'll make sure David knows he's safe here," I promised, understanding the weight of my dad's words. His acceptance and support meant the world to me.

"I love you, son," my dad said, pulling me into another warm hug. "I hope you know that. Whoever you choose to be in life, or whatever you choose to do, will never change that."

"Thank you, Dad," I replied, my voice choked with emotion. As I hugged my father tightly, I couldn't help but wish that it wouldn't be so challenging for David to tell his own father about us.

My dad released me from the hug, and we headed downstairs to check on David, who had just finished his call. His face bore a mix of relief and trepidation as he rejoined us in the living room.

"My mom said it's fine for me to stay over," David announced, managing a small smile.

"That's great to hear, David," my dad said warmly. "You're part of this family now, and you're always welcome here."

David's eyes glistened with gratitude, and he embraced my dad in a heartfelt hug. "Thank you, Mr. Campbell. You don't know how much this means to me."

My dad patted David's back, a proud smile on his face. "You don't have to thank me, David. Just promise me you'll take good care of my son."

"I promise," David replied earnestly, his voice filled with determination.

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