Chapter 1

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Jasmine looked up from the sink to her reflection in the mirror. her makeup was smeared and her hair was in disarray. she reached over to the pile of wash cloths and turned the faucet on and dampened the cloth. The warm cloth felt refreshing against her face. Jasmine scrubbed the last of the makeup that didn't end up on her pillow, off onto the towel. She rinsed out the towel and then tried to fix her hair so it didn't look like she had just rolled out of bed.

Jasmine walked back into the bedroom and her gaze dropped to the messy hair of the man in the bed. The soft brown curls looked so inviting. Memories of the night before when she tangled her fingers in them. Her memory then drifted to the sound of his soft moans as she tugged on his hair. The man started to groan a little as he rolled over to face where she was just lying, breaking her from her thoughts. "Get up." She said plain and emotionless. "Why?" He asked and pulled the covers back from his face and sat up. "Because I have to go home, and you have to go, wherever it is you go during the day." She said and walked around to his side of the bed and picked up his old Ramones shirt from the dirty floor. 'This place is filthier than the dumpster outside a football field,' she thought to herself as she picked up his briefs. 'Who still wears briefs? why did I sleep with a man who still wears briefs? god this is the outfit of the walk of shame.'

He tossed his shirt on over his head then pulled the cover back from his lap, exposing his privates. She averted her gaze as a blush rose to the surface of her cheeks. "don't act so embarrassed now." He said and climbed out of the bed, which creaked at the release of the pressure of his weight. "Well, it's not every day I see,.. that." she said emphasizing 'that.' "You've seen it for the last few days." He said glancing up at her as he put his briefs back on. Jasmine was again thinking about how he felt in her hand and in her mouth. She remembered how large he felt in her hand, her mouth and in her-...

She was pulled from her thoughts when the man cleared his throat. She looked up at him and he was smiling softly at her. His dimples, which she found so cute, were sitting perfectly on his cheeks. He reached up and gently cupped her cheek in his hand before moving his hand back to the back of her neck. He then pulled her close while leaning in to close the gap between them and connecting their lips. Jasmine flinched a little at the zap she felt when he placed his soft lips against hers. She let herself get lost in his kiss, which she did every time she kissed him. There was so much of an age difference between them. She thought of it every time they were together but forgot when he connected their lips.

Jasmine broke the kiss, "You always do that when you don't want me to leave." She said softly, trying to catch her breath and glancing back and forth between his lips and his emerald green eyes. She pulled away from him and walked around the bed and grabbed her skirt and her bra before going back into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. The man finished getting dressed and was about to leave when she came out of the bathroom.

"I was hoping you'd be gone by the time I came out of the bathroom." She said.

"You almost sound like you don't like me." He said smirking and walking over to her seductively.

She stepped back and when he continued to approach her, she made the quick decision to hide in the bathroom from what she only assumed was another deep and lingering kiss that she knew would bring her to her knees. He chuckled and left to go to work. They had been renting a cheap motel all weekend and were expected to check out that morning. Jasmine was standing with her back against the bathroom door waiting for the man to leave when her phone started ringing. She had left it on the bedside table. She took a deep breath and turned to open the door. With one hand on the knob and one on the frame, she cracked the door open to peer into the room to make sure she was alone before she rushed over to the quirky little table beside the bed and picked her phone. "yeah mum, i'm leaving my friends place now... i'll be home in about 20 minutes." she said before telling her mum that she loved him and hung up the phone.

Jasmine picked up the last of her outfit that was scattered along the cheap carpet. she got dressed, grabbed her keys and phone before heading out the door, shutting it hard enough to make the painting on the wall shake. the sound of the rocks beneath her feet was all she could hear as she walked to her car that was one gust of wind away from falling apart. she got behind the wheel and started the car up. she mumbled under her breath a plea to her car to start which had left her stranded a few times in the past month alone.

When the car finally started, she threw her seatbelt on and put the car in reverse. She did her best to get to her parents before her car overheated which was yet another problem the car had. As she pulled up in the driveway, her mum Zayn was standing outside, watching her car putter into the driveway and die when she put it in park. Jasmine dropped her head against her hands on the steering wheel in defeat. He saw her yell something at the wheel that he could only assume was a few choice swear words as he approached her car. Zayn opened her door, causing her to look up at him. "This car is junk. literally. I'll have to walk to work or take out a loan to get a car." She said frustrated. Zayn gave her a sympathetic look. "I know it's frustrating but you don't live to far from your job as a barista." Zayn said as Jasmine got out of the car. "I know mum." she said and hugged him.

Zayn shut the door after Jasmine pulled away and asked her how her weekend at her friends' was. "Good. we had so much fun." she said and recalled the memory of being in bed and having to reach above her head to keep from hitting her head on the headboard. She smiled at that thought and felt herself getting 'excited.' He waved his hand in front of her face break her from her thoughts.

"sorry mum." she said and Zayn just chuckled. "must have been a good week, you're already dreaming about having another girls weekend." Zayn said as they walked up to the front door. Jasmine nodded and chuckled. She opened the door and walked into the living room with louis following behind her.

Family Tradition | Prequel to Brotherly loveWhere stories live. Discover now