2 - Nightmares

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That night Lily was plagued by nightmares of her previous life. She has flashes of vampires, demons, slayers, and Tara. Tara haunted her sleep. Every touch of a hand, every kiss, every conversation all came rushing back. Tara was dead. Tara was dead. Warren, the bullet, your shirt, your shirt. The memories continued to haunt Lily's sleep causing her to toss and turn, muttering to herself as she did, causing Marshall to wake. Concern for his wife only grew as he saw the tears streaming down her face as she slept, and as he heard the cries leaving his mouth, he couldn't let her suffer any further so decided to wake her. After whispering some soft words of encouragement Lily shot upright, hyperventilating, while tears poured down her face. Immediately, Marshall jumped to action trying to help his wife calm down however, her state only continued to worsen as the memories of Lily's fake life were overtaken by those of Willow's.

'Baby, please, just look at me and take a deep breath.' Marshall tried after seeing his wife's worsening state.

'I-I-I can't' Lily sobbed as her awareness returned.

'Yes, you can.' Marshall encouraged, 'Just copy me Lilypad.'

Eventually, Lily calmed to the point where she could catch her breath again however, she was left with a distant look on her face. More concerned than ever, Marshall decided that neither of them would be able to get back to sleep so instead just wrapped his arms around his wife and hummed her favourite song.

As the sun rose that morning Marshall let out a sigh as his alarm began to blare alerting him to the fact that he needed to get ready for work. Taking one glance at his wife's state he decided she couldn't be alone today, and she definitely couldn't go to work, but he had to. So, he shuffled himself from under Lily and went to the phone so he could dial Robin's number and ask her to come over. Giving a brief summary to Robin regarding Lily's current condition, she instantly agreed to spend the day keeping Lily company.

Before Marshall left for work that morning, he walked a distant Lily towards the couch and waited for Robin to arrive. At this point, Marshall had already called the entire group alerting them to his concerns about Lily and everyone agreed on doing whatever possible to find out what was wrong. Weeks passed, however, and Lily's distant state continued, her bar visits became less frequent, and her nightmares continued. 

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