Time to shut your emotion off

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there I was laying in bed. staring into space. not joking im really staring into space. Shadow took me to his old home the ARK. I was depress. I wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping wasn't talking. I couldn't forget what happen to me. my child gone. I remember it like it was yesterday. Fleetway took her heart out. I started crying. I cant just let that good. I understand she in a better place now but I never had a chance to see her. I heard someone knocking on my door. I put the covers over my head. I heard the door open

Shadow: hey Sonic look what I brought u your favorite. chilly dogs.

I could smell the sweet juicy hotdogs but I wasn't going to eat it. he sat them down on my table and went to sit next to me.

Shadow: Sonic u have to get up and eat.

I turn my head around I didn't want to look at him or see him. to tell u the truth I didn't want to see anyone. Shadow sigh and he got up. he walked to the door and left. I took the covers off and got up and look at the mirror. I look like a monster. my eyes weren't so joyful. they look dull. and I was wearing a old sweater. I sigh. I went back to the bed and close my eyes. soon I drifted off to sleep.


Fleetway: time to see our new baby

Sonic: what no!!!

Fleetway rip the baby out of sonic tummy

Fleetway: it a girl!

I could see Fleetway ripping out her beating heart. and he ate it.

Fleetway: that was good. now for yours.

Sonic: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

End of Dream*

I woke up screaming! I look at myself and see my heart was beating fast. Shadow ran to my room

Shadow: what happen Sonic are u ok

i nodded my head. but i knew he didn't believe me. he walked to me and sat next to me.

Shadow: why are u lying to me Sonic

i couldn't hold it longer. i hugged him and starts crying.

Sonic: i had the same dream again. it keep on coming back

Shadow: what dream hun

Sonic: when our child heart was rip out.

there was a long pause when Shadow hugged me back

Shadow: it ok Sonic our child is in a better place now

i let go of him

Sonic: how are u alright with the child being gone

he look at me confuse

Shadow: what u mean

Sonic: u act like we never had a child.

Shadow: im not acting up because i know she in a better place

i just couldn't stand it. i left the room.  I just couldn't believe it that he find with it. I went down stair to find Emma

Emma: hey Sonic finally came out of your little cave

I fake laugh and went to the couch. Emma went to go sit next to me

Emma: hey are u ok

I turn my head away

Emma: Sonic you know she in a better place

Sonic: that what everyone say

Emma: well maybe because there right

and she walk away. maybe she right maybe I have to let go. but I just cant.

Sonic: maybe because there wrong and doesn't know how it feel to lose someone they love. or is because I care for thing too much. for now on im going to shut of my emotion. 

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