A kiss at midnight

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Max and Charles arrived at the luxurious hotel in Abu Dhabi, eager to celebrate the end of the season and the start of a new year. They wore stylish suits and matching ties, hoping to make a good impression on the other Formula One drivers and staff. They walked hand in hand, smiling nervously at the sight of the glittering lights, the palm trees, and the Arabian Sea.

"This place is something else!" Max said, admiring the fountains and the sculptures. "We should come here more often!"

Charles chuckled. "You mean like a honeymoon?"

Max blushed but kept smiling. He loved it when Charles teased him. They had been a couple for a few months now, but they hadn't gone public with their relationship, fearing backlash from fans, media, and team managers. They had decided to wait until the season was over, but they couldn't resist the temptation of sharing a romantic moment at the party.

They greeted their colleagues warmly, trying not to show any sign of nervousness or suspicion. Their friends Lando, Pierre, and Carlos came over and hugged them. Lando wore a colorful shirt and a neon tie, while Pierre wore a black tuxedo and a white bow tie. Carlos wore a ferrari suit, looking great as always.

"Hey, guys! Happy New Year!" Lando said, punching Max's shoulder and slapping Charles's back.

"Yeah, same to you!" Max said, grinning. "Looking sharp, as usual."

"Thanks, man! You too!" Lando said, admiring Max's haircut. "I see you finally got rid of the haircut."

Max laughed. "Yeah, I figured it was time for a change. What about you and Dani?"

Lando sighed and looked down. "We broke up."

Max and Charles exchanged a sympathetic glance. They had known about Lando's struggles with his girlfriend for a while, but they didn't want to interfere.

"I'm sorry, man," Charles said, putting a hand on Lando's shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lando shook his head. "No, it's fine. Let's just dance and forget about it, okay?"

They headed towards the dancefloor, where the DJ played a mix of pop, hip-hop, and house music. The crowd was getting denser and rowdier, but they didn't care. They drank, laughed, and danced, feeling the rhythm and the energy. Max took off his jacket, as he felt a bit hot under the collar, revealing a white shirt and a toned chest. Charles smiled and shook his head, amused by his boyfriend's playfulness.

"You can't undress in front of everyone, Max," he said, teasingly. "What if someone steals your clothes?"

Max shrugged and leaned in, whispering in Charles's ear. "Who cares? I could always steal yours."

Charles blushed and swallowed hard. He loved it when Max flirted with him in private, but he didn't want to attract attention now.

"Okay, okay," he said, trying to stifle a giggle. "Let's just enjoy the party, shall we?"

Charles, Max, Lando and Carlos were all gathered around the living room, playing a game together. A large bowl of chips and a selection of drinks were sitting in the middle of the coffee table, as they all competed to win another year's bragging rights.

The atmosphere was tense, as each driver tried to outsmart the others with their strategy. As they each took turns, Charles and Max were having a particularly hard time trying to keep their eyes off each other.

But as the game ramped up, the tension in the room was palpable. Charles reached for a chip and accidentally brushed his hand against Max's, causing a small spark between them. They both quickly looked away, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

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