Chapter 9: What's Happened And What Comes Next [Season Finale] [Explicit]

Start from the beginning

I took a shaky breath and smiled to myself. Thank you...

"That's a promise I can make to him, and a promise I will fight to keep."

Ashley smiled before walking over to me to kiss me softly.

"I don't deserve you, but I can't imagine my life without you in it, what is it about you that makes me so weak in the knees..."

I grabbed her hand as I pulled her into my lap, purposely feeling up her ass as she got closer to my lips, and I didn't hesitate to kiss her as long as my lungs would allow me to, tasting her lips, sliding a tongue in her mouth, hearing her moan into my own mouth, solidifying my claim on her as I let myself get carried away, my hands creeping up the front of her shirt and squeezing her breasts.


I wanted to... every neuron in my body was on red alert for her. I was hot and bothered and I needed to... but I couldn't... not here. 

"S-Sorry, I got carried away..."

Ashley wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply before biting my lip.

"So did I. It stinks in here, by the way. You stink, too. I love you."

I spanked her for the comment as a smirk crawled across my face.

"You stink, too, lady."

Ashely then proceeded to fart in my lap, the smell wafting up quickly, a smell I could only describe as dying flesh and rotted corpses. Ashley's farts smelled horrible...

"Jesus, Ashley, what did you eat... these stink..."

Ashley smirked as she hopped out of my lap to sit on her bed. 

"You might wanna shower before talking to my dad, he said he could smell us from two rooms."

I giggled as Ashley pointed me to the bathroom. Judging from the stench of my farts, it was high time to answer nature's call...


After I showered and handled business (Ashley was nice enough to hand me a set of clothes in black), I made my way to the study where Ashley's father was waiting for me.

"Mr. President, sir. It's a honor to speak with you."

I'll admit... a part of me was scared and nervous.

"We both know why you're here, so let's not waste time, Miss Wong. I need to hear from your lips that you will not allow any harm to come to Ashley. I understand you two are... romantically involved, so this promise should not be difficult to fulfill?"

I straightened myself up and spoke plainly.

"You have my word, sir. I will not allow Ashley to come to harm while in Raccoon City. I have a few contacts and safe houses there that are still active that we can go to in case things become too hot. Ashley will be safe with me, I swear."

President Graham shifted in his seat before reclining back.

"Good. To be honest with you... I know Ashley can handle herself, but she's still my little girl, you know? When you have kids, you'll understand my worry, but... if Ashley trusts you, I do as well. Keep her close, understand?"

I stood up and nodded.

"I certainly will, Mr. President. Thank you for entrusting me with Ashley. She has... definitely changed my life."

As I left his study, I ever casually leaned in the door with a smirk on my face as Ashley unplugged her earbuds.


I simply grinned before responding:

"Are you just going to sit there and listen to music? I thought we had a date to Raccoon City, or would you rather stay here in this stinky room?"

Ashley squealed as she jumped up from the bed and into my arms.

"Does this mean...??"

I kissed her passionately.

"You belong to me now. I promised your dad I would keep you safe, and that's exactly what I plan to do. No harm will come to you, my queen."

Ashley kissed me back with tears in her eyes... and mines as well.

"Then let's go, baby. Let's go to Raccoon City. Together." 


I wasn't alone anymore.

I didn't have to go home by myself with just my thoughts this time...

I was with someone that... I wasn't even looking for but came into my life anyway...

Someone I would fight the fucking world for to keep safe. 

So, Raccoon City...

Do your fucking worst.

I'm ready for you.

E N D.


Hope you guys enjoyed this! I know it took me forever to get this done, and I promise Season 2 won't take nearly as long to arrive. I know I originally had 10 chapters planned, but I'm happy with how this chapter came together. And since there is another season coming, there's no need for me to write the epilogue! 

Stay tuned, because I'm starting to cook again, and I hope you guys like what I have planned! 

(Spoiler alert: it's gonna be more fart jokes lol)

Tнe Coмplιcαтιoɴ Oғ Adα Woɴɢ, Seαѕoɴ 1 [Explicit]Where stories live. Discover now