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No ones pov:

The Winter king is sitting on his thrown as usual, Fionna and cake are off training somewhere in the castle, and Simon is browsing the library.

"where is he?" muttered the Winter king

Simons pov:

"Oh simooonnn!!" A familiar voice rang

"ssimmooonnn!" winter king said again

great, this guy, he gives me the chills. Somethings off about him but i have to play it safe, for now

"in here dumbo" i shouted to where he could hear me

Winter king started walking into the library looking around for Simon, peeking around every corner until he saw his dark brown hair, the king rushed over to him.

"Where's that smile? Don't tell me your bored!" Shouted winter king

After his remark silence filled the room, the air was thick with tension.

"soo uhm, how long till the crown is done?" I said sheepishly

"oh, there waaass a problem with the copying so id say another week or so"

I tried to put a pleasant expression on my face but it was obvious, i had been there for over two weeks, double the original time. Is he keeping me here? If so why? what's he getting out of this?


"huh? Oh um ya ill stay the extra week" I said


Winter kings pov:

I could see the frustration on his face, it pained me to lock him up like this but I need him, I want him. in truth the crown was done last week but he doesn't need to know and plus lying is only bad when its not for a good reason

"you look tense, why don't you take a stroll though the snow with me?" i said with joy

"sure, why not" he said coldly

"are you alright? last thing i want you to do is get a cold" i laughed to myself

"ya im fine, ill go get my coat" Simon said walking off.

As Simon walked off i followed him with my eyes, slowing my eyes fell lower and lower until i caut my self staring and admiring him. i need to calm down, surely he didn't notice, right? i feel a tapping on my shoulder, thus i snap out of my thoughts

"S-Simon, ha you startled me"

instead of some sort of answer to my remark he smiles warmly wile looking up at me. I cant help but wonder what he's thinking right now

Simons pov:

play it safe Simon, play it safe. i fought the erg to say anything risky, being around me was never the less scary, based on his track record hes been in here for god knows how long with only the ice guards but that doesn't count, there just ice.

"Shall we?" the king asked awaiting my response.

"We shall" I said with a fake smile, gazing up at the king.

almost immediately after I spoke the grand doors of his palace opened on there own, and just like the doors the floor came to life as well. We where getting taking to the front doors of the kingdom and after the floor came to a halt the winter king stepped forward, turned to me and reached his hand out, gesturing for me to take his hand. Where we on a walk or a date? As much as I wanted to walk myself I didn't want to look suspicious or do anything wrong so I obliged, taking his hand as he helped me down the steps. as I walked down the steps I could feel his eyes fixated on me, is he watching me? I cant make any wrong moves. Once i got down the steps instead of him letting go he kept holding my hand and instead of a nice stroll he was leading me though the snow, as if he was taking me somewhere. After a few minuets of walking we where in a snowy garden.

Winter kings pov:

i know my self very well, human interaction is not something the happens every day. The only way i can make him stay is to give him what he desires, betty, the memories aren't completely  there but the warmth she gave. From what i know his betty is no longer with him, nether is mine but you know what they say "two half's make a whole". 



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