Chapter 37: The Final Day

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The arena lay shrouded in a palpable tension as the final day of the Capitol Hunger Games drew near. The once boisterous cheers from the Capitol audience had transformed into hushed whispers, a collective breath held in anticipation of the climactic conclusion. Only three tributes remained in this cruel competition, and the Capitol was hungry for the grand finale.

Arabella Velvet, Apollo Throne, and Coriolanus Snow stood poised on the battleground, each knowing that only one of them would emerge victorious. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch towards their destinies.

Apollo's chest heaved with exhaustion, his once vibrant Mockingjay costume now tattered and stained. Arabella's azure eyes were filled with steely determination, her survival instincts sharpened by days of deadly encounters. Coriolanus Snow, the mastermind behind it all, exuded an air of cold calculation that had served him well throughout his life.

With a subtle nod, the countdown to the final confrontation began.




The deafening silence shattered as Apollo, ever the fierce competitor, lunged at Arabella with a savage battle cry. His hands, adorned with leather gloves adorned with claws, slashed through the air. Arabella, her reflexes honed by countless battles, sidestepped his attack with a dancer's grace.

Coriolanus Snow, however, chose to bide his time. He watched the two tributes clash, his gray eyes betraying nothing of his intentions. In the Capitol Hunger Games, it was not always the strongest who prevailed, but the one who played the game most cunningly.

Apollo and Arabella engaged in a deadly dance, their every move a calculated risk. Arabella managed to land a glancing blow on Apollo's shoulder, causing him to stagger back with a pained cry. Blood stained his white costume, a stark contrast to his once pristine appearance.

But Apollo was not one to back down easily. He roared with renewed vigor, launching himself at Arabella once more. This time, his claws found their mark, and he raked them across Arabella's forearm. She cried out in pain, her elegant gown now marred by the crimson of her own blood.

As the two tributes continued their brutal duel, Coriolanus Snow seized the opportunity to make his move. With a stealthy grace that belied his age, he closed the gap between himself and the battling pair. In his hand, he clutched a hidden weapon, a small dagger with a blade forged from the rarest and deadliest of substances.

Just as Apollo was about to deliver what he believed would be the final blow to Arabella, Snow struck. His dagger found its mark in the vulnerable spot between Apollo's ribs. A gasp of shock and agony escaped Apollo's lips as he collapsed to the ground, his life's fire extinguished.

Arabella, her vision blurred by pain, watched in horror as Coriolanus Snow emerged as the victor. The man who had orchestrated this twisted spectacle for the Capitol's entertainment now stood triumphant, his hands stained with the blood of the fallen.

Snow turned to Arabella, his gaze colder than ever. He had won, and he had done so in the most ruthless manner possible. "You fought well, my dear," he murmured, his voice devoid of emotion. "But in the end, it was never a fair fight."

With a flick of his wrist, Snow's dagger found its mark once more, and Arabella's world plunged into darkness.

The Capitol Hunger Games had reached its bitter end, with Coriolanus Snow standing as the ultimate victor. The Capitol audience erupted into cheers, their sadistic thirst for violence and triumph sated for another year. In the heart of the arena, the fallen tributes, the sacrifices made in the name of this macabre tradition, lay still and forgotten.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the arena into a chilling darkness, Coriolanus Snow stood alone, the spoils of his victory his alone to savor.

He did not know that there were two more left his former ally Calista Ivory and Alistair Ravenna

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