i. the art of scraping through

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┌───═━┈┈━═───┐chapter one

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chapter one. the art of scraping through
pre. s1e1

The people of Four Leaf Island believe in the power of the clover more than any divinity. It is said that finding a four-leaf clover destines you for good luck and no one believed that more than the residents of the island. 

Clovers do not grow throughout the island. If you wanted to find one you'd have to make your way to the middle of the island where the island's one clover patch resided. The patch stretched across acres and acres of land.  Once you arrived you'd drop to your knees and search for that lucky plant, with no promise of success. 

Four-leaf clover hunting was a tradition for every big event in one's life. Before marriage or the birth of a child, one would go into the clover patch and search for the four-leaved plant to receive the luck it would bring.  

The people of the island believed in the power of the clover completely. 

Selina Kiligrew didn't believe in anything completely other than herself. 

She doubted the power, yet maybe she was a bit of a fool as well because the four-leaf clover she had found years ago still rested in the pendant around her neck. 

Selina sat covered by the leaves of the tree that overhung the harbor. The wind whistled through the leaves. 

She watched the crew file off their pirate ship and head towards town. Once most of the crew seemed to be offboard she touched a hand to her kali sticks dangling from her waist. 

So quietly even the wind seemed to quiet with anticipation, Selina climbed down from the tree. She got as close as she could to the ship as the shadows she hid in allowed before pausing. She exhaled a breath and once the coast was clear, climbed onto the ship. 

The deck was mostly empty, save for a few barrels, thankfully most of the crew had gone on shore. Selina made her way to the storage room. She lifted the floorboard and saw the man at the same time he saw her, but she moved faster. She jumped down to the floor and touched a hand to his wrist as it reached for her. Selina reached her powers into his heart and grabbed it with an iron claw grip. "Habear, you alright?" Someone called from the deck. I'm all good, I tripped. 

"I'm all good, I tripped." The man responded. He was smiling, a silly love foolish smile but in his eyes, Selina could see the emotion she knew well; fear, confusion, hatred. Take a nap. The man went limp under Selina's touch and she stumbled to keep him up with the single hand she had on him. She barely caught him before he hit the ground. She lay him there and turned to the treasure chests. 

She opened them and smiled at the gold glistening before her. She stuffed the treasure in her bag. 

She opened the floorboard slowly and peeked her head out. Deeming the coast clear, she snuck out of the storage room. "Hey!" A man came charging for her with a staff. Selina dropped her treasure and pulled out her kali sticks. She used both of them to block his attack and pushed him back. Selina charged at him and raised her sticks like she was going for an attack. He moved to block it but at the last minute, she dropped her left stick and touched a hand to his arm. Go to the beach and build a sandcastle. 

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