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Laszlo watched on the terrace as Nandor, and Y/n chatted by the fireplace. He swore he could see Nandor's smitten gaze from there, he shook his head in distaste turning to the camera. He whispers "I swear sometimes I think they are blind. I mean look at them!" The camera zooms in on Nandor poorly trying to flirt with her. "I hate everything about this. It's been over a hundred years of these two, flirting. I'm tired of it." He grumbles leaving to turn to his study, signaling for the crew to follow. "In truth I think they just need a little push in the right direction." He said taking out a quill and his parchment. 

"Gizmo!?" He called running down the hall in pure delight, Guillermo looks toward him with narrowed brows. "Yes?" 

"Take this to the pony express now!" He ordered and making the familiar chuckle, "the pony express has been gone for like a hundred years. I can take it to the post office for you?" 

"Yes, take it to the office of post, and be quick about it." 

 "Okay, who is it being mailed to?" Laszlo scoffs, "who gives a shit, just mail it." Guillermo takes in a patient breath, "I need to know who it is for to send." Laszlo rolls his eyes, "I have to do everything. Call the guide she will send the message." He said dismissively walking away back to his study. Guillermo looks toward the camera with worried gaze, "I don't think this is going to end well." He whispered hoping the vampires can't hear him. 

Laszlo sat next to his wife with a proud smirk on his face, "What are you so happy about?" She asked warily, "I may have sped up a process well overdue my dear." 

"Which would be?" 

"Stopping Nandor and Y/n mindless flirting once and for all." Nadja gapes in excitement, "how!?"

"I may have called Doc." He said smugly twirling a ring on his finger, making Nadja close her eyes. Pinching the bridge of her nose, "let me get this straight. You sent for Doc Holliday. Famous gambler and cowboy." Laszlo nodded along proudly, as Nadja continued "the cowboy that was married to our dear Y/n. The cowboy that broke her heart into tiny pieces that has been trying to get her back for almost two hundred years!" 

"Yep." He said proudly, "No!" She screamed, "This will not work, and when it doesn't, we will have a depressed Nandor, and a shitty cowboy on our hands!" Laszlo takes his wife hand instantly calming her down. "It will work, trust me my darling I will be there to guide him through it." Suddenly a Blacksmoke fogs through the room, the guide forming from the midst. "So, I contacted Holiday." She said pausing for an awkward second, "and?" Laszlo asked, "oh, and he said that he would never stop his eternity for some nobody." Laszlo slouches into the couch mumbling a 'shit.' "Then, I told him who it was for he instantly said yes! So, that's pretty cool."  

"Why didn't you start with that?" Nadja asked, the guide shrugged looking toward the camera. "When's he coming?" Laszlo asked annoyed. 

"Tomorrow evening." 


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