You Wont Feel A Thing

Start from the beginning

Two men and two women sat in the small compacted bright white walled room in the same old worn-out chairs as those in the lobby. They were dressed in black scrubs with name tags clipped to their chest's pockets. "Ms. Blake, these are the others just like you that were chosen for this trial." One of the women, a brunette, scoffed and fiddled about with the hem of her top. "We weren't chosen, we were forced to do this against our will." The doctor sighed, "Now, Ms. Gwen. You signed the form, didn't you? Therefore, you chose to participate." The woman rolled her eyes.

"Now, since everyone is here, we can begin," he clasped his hands together and grinned. Everyone in the room groaned, various nurses appeared out of nowhere carrying various trays. "Who wants to go first?" the doctor asked with glee. No one raised their hands, so I did. I just want to get this over with already. "Ah, Ms. Blake. Fantastic! Let's get you changed first." A nurse approached with a pair of red scrubs. I cocked my head, "How come mine are different than theirs?" I pointed at the others. The doctor smiled, "That's because you signed up for the special treatment." My brows knitted in confusion; I followed the nurse to a screen covered area to change.

I made my way back to the others and took a seat in one of the empty chairs. Another nurse walked over pushing a small buggy with a tray of various things on it. I caught the others watching me from the corner of my eye. "Which arm would you prefer, Ms. Blake? ," the nurse asked as she held up a syringe with a long needle connected to it. Will that even fit in my arm? I looked down at my left arm and flexed it. She smiled," Don't worry, it'll only be a little pinch." I slowly nodded and watched as she cleaned the spot with an alcohol wipe before stabbing the long needle deep into my skin. She pressed the syringe, releasing the bright red almost blood like liquid into my veins. She removed the needle and placed a cotton ball and piece of tape on the tiny bleeding hole in my arm.

The nurse gave me another smile and moved onto the next person. I slipped my earbuds and phone from my pocket and slid the earbuds in my ears and played the next song in the playlist. I silently sang along to I'm Not Dead Yet by Ledger, "It hurts, and it stings." I watched the nurse stick a needle in one of the men's arm. I noticed the doctor just standing there watching all of us with a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. "The fuck! That hurt, what was that anyway," a blonde woman shrilled and furiously rubbed at her arm. The nurse apologized and moved to the next person.

Once everyone had their first round of injections, we were told to relax and mingle amongst ourselves till they came back for the next round. I sat there in the corner of the room in my chair with my knees against my chest just staring out the window. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and scrolled through my playlist. "What kind of special treatment do you think he was talking about for that girl over there." I could hear one of the woman mumble a few feet from me. "I have absolutely no idea, bet you she slept with the doctor to get it though," I heard one of men laugh. I wouldn't touch that creepy dude with a six-foot pole. "Hey, weirdo." I removed one of my earbuds. "What's so special about you, you're just a mute weirdo that keeps her earbuds in all day."

I stared at the brunette for a few second before focusing back on my playlist. "Hey! You deaf too?" I fiddled with the earbuds between my fingers and looked back over at her, "No I'm not. If you aren't happy being here, then just fucking leave. You got two feet, don't you? Start walking." Her eyes bugged out. I could hear the others near her silently laughing. I put my earbud back in and continued scrolling. It was close to 10am when the nurses returned. I looked up from my phone screen to see a different nurse walking towards me. Am I going to be the first in line each time? "Seems everyone did well with the first round, no side effects?" The doctor looked at each of us, examining us head to toe with his eyes.

"I want to go first this time!" the brunette screeched. The nurse stopped a few inches from me and turned towards the other woman. While she was getting the second injection the rest of had our vitals taken, then our ears and eyes checked. "Who's next?" the nurse asked. An auburn-haired man raised his hand and winked at the nurse, "That'd be me, baby." After him was the blonde woman then the brown-haired man. Once they all were through, the nurse finally approached me, "listening to anything good?" I shrugged and looked back at the screen as she administered the injection. I could feel a slight burning at the injection sight but ignored it. She gave me another smile before walking off.

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