OTHER | First Meeting

Start from the beginning

She was quite unlucky. Maybe not the unluckiest but enough to make her want to quit. She was no fighter...among other things.

"Celestia! I beg of you!! Send anyone! Help!" She shrieked, turning to dash away, though with no sense of direction...where would she go?

Just then a burst of rock formed before her. The hilichurl closest to her had been flung into the air and fallen down...down a cliff she failed to notice. That would have been dangerous.

She turned to see the source of this structure was a man with long blond hair done into a braid. A young fairy-type girl who floated beside him cheered him on as he rushed to the group of hilichurls that had no time to react as the golden-haired one did swift work of them.

"Are you alright?!" The small, white-haired one asked. She stood there, still processing this as the other fought the attackers. "Whoa, what's that smell?"

Wait what. At first [name] thought the little one was talking about her but then she remembered what she had on her.

"Oh you mean the smell of food? I'm surprised you noticed. Y'see I'm a chef and--"

"Say no more!" The white-haired one exclaimed with excitement. Was...their mouth watering? "Aether! This girl is staying with us for tonight!"


Being sent from the Akademiya in Sumeru all the way to Inazuma to study a body of water at Sangonomiya Shrine could not have gone any weirder.

At first, [name] was actually excited to do something like this since she was certain this would help her get out of the motivation block she had gotten herself into. This had to be the trip that could change her attitude, and it certainly did change something! [name] had made sure to record and document everything interesting and new she had seen on her way to and at the beautiful place, but what amazed her the most was the whirlpool that was just below the shrine itself.

Well, [name] didn't know whether or not to call it a whirlpool...it was more like a slow mixture of elements creating some sort of energy in the center. It was mystifying...and [name] wanted to get a closer look.

She had taken out her Kamera, climbed to the lowest point she could get to on the tough terrain, and began to take some pictures. Nobody had seen her do this since, well, they had told her not to! And what was she going to do, listen to them?

The pictures came out wonderful, but just as she was about to climb back up, the little plot of rock she had been standing on came crumbling out beneath her feet and she was sent plummeting towards the swirling energy below. For a moment, she was terrified due to the sudden scare, but then she believed everything would be fine since it was only water, she knew how to swim.

But the elemental energies...what would that do to her?

[name]'s cry was cut short as a flash of blue and purple swirled in her vision, a dark cacoon of color until she fell again. Cold wind hit her face, and then the sharp crash of water actually, and finally, hitting her body. She was too stunned to react or move initially, but not a second later, she found herself being pulled up and out of the water.

"Are you alright?" A voice spoke with concern as [name] coughed up a few mouthfuls of water and gathered air back into her lungs. Thank goodness nothing seemed broken.

The female took a look at her savior and found it to be a blue-haired man with glasses donning a grey kimono with red lace. His eyes didn't shine with concern, more like interest in a new-found specimen. [name] nodded, finding the strength to stand on her two feet. Her clothes stuck to her skin in a disgusting way and she sighed.

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