LIYUE | First Meeting

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The rush of the late-night orders accompanied by the busy streets of Liyue Harbor always fueled something in [name] every time she was due on the late shift at Liuli Pavilion. She had been a waitress here for about a week now, but with her experience, she got the handle of things quite quickly. Though, when certain authoritative figures in Liyue, at least, that is what they claimed, weren't so patient in waiting for an available booking, that was her breaking point.

"I made a reservation a week ago! I am not waiting an hour for a table!" The man's voice was beginning to rise, drawing a few eyes from the many who walked in the square where Liuli Pavilion was located. [name] could only smile in response, her brows furrowing. The few that lingered behind the man were looking unbothered as if they were accustomed to his outbursts.

"I understand, sir-"

"If you understand, go get my table ready right now!" He pointed to the doors of the interior of Liuli Pavilion, the light from the inside shining through the windows like a golden sun. [name]'s smile strained and she just nodded in response, sucked in a deep breath, and made her way inside.

The warmth from inside was refreshing, but she couldn't allow herself to relax just yet. She prayed to the Archons themselves that whoever was eating was either done or was willing to pack up their food and leave; just for the sake of her sanity.

[name] stepped to the left of the divider that separated the view of the door from the one seated at the table. She bowed her head in apology for the intrusion and then lifted it just as quickly.

Not often was [name] usually taken aback at the outward appearance of someone nor would she express it so on her expression, so she was thankful to hide her surprise at the man seated at the end of the table. Dark brown, almost black, hair, with a most unusual orange at the end, pulled back neatly. He wore clothing that only the Lady of the Jade Chamber could afford, all of which complimented his geode-like eyes.

"I...apologize for interrupting your meal. How is everything?" She picked up her employee-trained smile, her eyes flickering from the many plates he had ordered, all of which were empty, and then back at the customer himself. He did not seem bothered by her sudden appearance or just didn't show it.

"I've just finished," [name] didn't know what she was expecting to hear, but she sure as hell wasn't expecting that. She gave a short nod, stepping back towards the room divider where the meals had been written down, as well as the grand total, which came to a total of...

"That will be nine-thousand, two hundred mora." He was already in the process of bringing out a small pouch of mora anyway, his movements methodical and smooth. [name]'s gaze shifted to the door, wondering if the man was still grumbling about her service or if they had finally given up.

The sound of the man humming negatively to himself caused the female's head to turn back to him. He had all the mora from the pouch poured out into his hand, but it really didn't seem like nine-thousand, two hundred mora to [name]'s keen eye.

"I seem to be short four hundred mora..."

Just after he said this, there was a muffled shout coming from the door. The afterthought had gotten impatient. Her attention immediately came back to the current customer.

"I'll cover it, sir. No worries!" [name] had only said this because she needed to get this man up and out of Liuli Pavilion as quickly as possible. The man's brows rose at this offer, his attention now fully falling on [name].

"That is too generous of-"

"I insist." She cut him off, urgency in her tone.

[name] could hear her heart pounding within her ears under this handsome man's piercing gaze. She almost felt bad interrupting him and had the sudden thought that his attitude would change to that of the man outside. But who would get mad about someone paying for your meal?

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