FONTAINE | First Meeting

Start from the beginning

The daycare was a frequented area for parents who needed some time to themselves or needed to go someplace not fit for their children which was understandable. At least they had the common sense. The kids there loved her, she was like a big sister to them and she didn't mind that it was a great feeling considering she didn't have any siblings.

"Big sis--! [name]!" A child called out to her with tears in their eyes causing [name[ to snap straight up from her thoughts and scramble to console the child.

"What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" She asked in a calm manner, scanning any knee or elbow injuries which were the most common. The kid shook their head.

"It's Don! Don is gone!" Don was this one's little brother. After surveying the daycare [name] realized that this kid's eye was sharp. Don was nowhere in sight. That made [name] panic, first for her job and then for the child. She patted the child on the head giving a few words of reassurance and began looking.

After knocking on the bathroom he wasn't in there, the storage closet was locked up tight but she didn't hesitate to look again and the employee's room was barren. The only possible conclusion would be...

The front door.

She opened it quickly, looking around in a frantic manner. She was sure that she'd get a few questioning glances for this but in fact...there were none. Rather a small crowd formed on the side of the street nearby. She ran over to see the commotion, apologizing for bumping into a few people as she did.

That 'true entertainment' tangent. She believed in it. Magic shows, stuff like that. Those were the only true forms of entertainment that originated in Fontaine. A magic show being performed on the side of the street.

"Now then, I need two volunteers from the crowd! Since my lovely assistant is gone, I'll need some help~!" The magician partially chuckled but [name] heard the smallest amount of nervousness in his voice. There was one hand raised, a small plump one. Don moved forward into the front.

"Ooh! Oh! Me!" He exclaimed. The blond-haired magician grinned and motioned for the boy to come forward.

"Now I'll need one more!" The magician's eyes searched the crowd but no one seemed to offer their help. Tough crowd.

"I'll do it." [name] stepped forward and the eyes of Don and the magician landed on her. Don was shocked to see [name] while the magician gave a small amount of applause.

"Wonderful!" Now...what I need you to do is..."

The magic show wasn't a big one, to be in one it doesn't have to be all extravagant. [name] wasn't sure why she offered her help in the first place. She could have just taken Don away after explaining the situation to the magician but instead, she played along with the antics. Don seemed relatively nervous at first, scared that he was going to be punished for escaping the daycare but as soon as the show was performed it was as if he forgot all about it.

[name] performed exceptionally, playing along with the magician's words, and even had a few tricks of her own. She knew how they worked so it was easy to plan a step ahead. Since she was the assistant it was mostly helping with card tricks, disappearing items, and so on. There was also that specific trick.

The one with the doves that flew out from his hat at the finale.

"Thank you one and all for coming and don't forget...! We have a special performance at the Opera Epiclese coming up!" The magician exclaimed to the crowd that clapped for his antics. He looked around in happiness that slowly subsided.

That girl and that young child had disappeared. He didn't see but once he was finished with them the girl had taken Don's hand and vanished.

She was good at magic. Really good. She knew how to entice the crowd. To make them pay attention.

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