My POV of my friend at school

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So to start off my friend Olivai: she's mean but in a nice way 😅 she a good person to talk to but is to busy with her friend to hang out with me

Vivi: she's realy nice....but i think she's too also kinda jelly of her cuz 1. She is really preet but she hides her face 2. Robert, Vivi, and I hang out at lunch but they both start friend fight and leave me behind which kinda makes me sad but i dont say anything

Robert: nice friend i like his company and he's realy nice to me...only me though...Robert is also my crush...the boy i like. We met in kinder and became really good friends. Though is acting kanda crazy...well his other friend are driving him crazzy...not in a good way

Iker: he's a mid. He's to rough and aggressive. But he's a good friend...i think Iker and Robert hate each other tho

The rest of my friend are fine...just no onpinion...but we talk from time to time.

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