EIGHT / sanji, world class flirt.

Comenzar desde el principio

the crew's jaws dropped.


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LUFFY, BELIEVE IT or not, was the grandson of the vice-admiral of the marines, which was why they were currently up against a ship three times the size of the going merry, with at least ten times the amount of manpower.

"this information would've been nice to know before you recruited us!" anjali yelled as everybody ducked, a large cannonball splintering through the ship's railing.

she had to admit though, the dog figurehead on the front of the marine shit was pretty killer.

"by order of the marines, lower your sails and submit to my authority!" the magnified voice of the vice-admiral sounded through the gunpowder-heavy air.

"never!" luffy yelled, chest heaving.

the marine grabbed a cannonball and hurled it towards the going merry.

luffy began expanding, his stomach growing until he was as round as a ball and five times his normal size. the cannonball landed directly on his stomach, and like a trampoline, bounced back at breakneck speed towards the marine ship.

their sail went down, and the straw hats cheered.

"wow, luff! that was awesome!" anjali cheered, tackling the man in a victory hug.

usopp joined in, and the three began jumping around in a circle cheering.

"nami, get us out of here." luffy ordered, a bright smile on his face.

"on it." she nodded. "let's disappear."

directing the ship, nami navigated them towards the fog, effectively hiding from the standstill marines.

"how's the ship look?" nami asked as zoro and anjali approached.

"broken railing." the green haired man answered. "minor damage."

"a few dents here and there, but nothing we can't fix up." anjali added. "it could've been a lot worse."

"could've been better." nami grumbled.

"can't see the marines anymore." usopp joined the conversation.

"you can't see anything in this soup." nami shot back.

anjali's mouth watered. "i could go for some soup right now. or anything, really."

"what we need is a place to lay low." nami ignored anjali, already having to deal with one always-hungry pirate. "wait out any reinforcements they send after us. my charts are useless in this fog."

"what did luffy say?" zoro asked suddenly.

"he's up on the bow." usopp supplied. "hasn't said anything since we hightailed it."

"well, somebody needs to talk to him. about this and that other thing." nami said.

"what other thing?"

"oh, gee, i wonder." the orange haired woman said sarcastically. "the vice-admiral-of-the-marines-is-my-grandfather thing."

"oh, that." usopp shrugged. "yeah, i don't really know the guy that well."

"doesn't seem like a big deal." zoro added.

"i think so too. he'll bring it up when he's ready." anjali said.

GROWING PAINS / zoro.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora