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Lewis Dee

I slipped my ID card in the slot for ID cards, it opened and I got in. I was the only one in the elevator and that was s blessing. The elevator had only gotten to the 12th floor when I took out my headphone and wore it playing one of my favorite musician's song. I closed my eyes nodding to the rhythm of the music. I was so into the song I didn't know when the elevator made a loud sound.

Soon, I noticed the elevator had suddenly stopped. I stilled for a while and removed my headphones without stopping the music. The elevator made another loud sound and it started descending. My heart started beating in a really fast rate and I looked for something to hold onto. As soon as I found one I held onto it tightly. I didn't know when I started chanting the Lord's prayer. My thoughts couldn't settle in one thing even as I continued chanting the prayer.

When I noticed no one was coming I shouted but it seemed useless. No one was going to hear me and...  who can tell what would happen next.


The manager of cartz exquisite barbershop sighed. She wasn't here still. He was beginning to think employing her was a mistake. Those who advised him not to employ her saying she had to cook, do home chores and lots more before she'd get herself ready for work therefore making her never punctual where starting to seem correct.But other ladies works at different places; colleges, stall, companies and brothel. At the thought of brothel he smirked in remembrance of the lady he'd spent his last night with. She had such good edge and curves, beautiful voice and big boobs.

He soon forgot about her and focused his mind on Lewis, she didn't look like one who'd ruin everything up for herself with latecoming. She looked so diligent to her work. Tömas finally decided to call the receptionist, maybe she'd come already and was having issues with some stuffs like her ID card.

"Hey, Jake." Tömas said.

"Good morning sir." Jake greeted.

"Er, have you perhaps seen any lady, the girl I told you about earlier today who'd ask to see me?" He asked.

"Oh, Lewis?"

"Yeah, Lewis Dee." Tomas said.

"Yeah, I gave her the worker's ID card and sent her to you." Jake said.

"Sent her to me?" Tomas raised a brow and tilted his head, he paused for a while as if thinking about something. "Wait did she use the elevator?"

"Er... I think so." Jake said. "any problem sir?"

"Fuck!" Tomas cursed. "I told that son of a bitch to handle the elevator before today ... Goodness!"

"Sir? Is there a problem?" Jake asked again.

"The elevator isn't working well, it had some issues and Christ knows if she's alright. That punk better prays she's fine. Call the CCTV committee to look at the CCTV footage of the elevator. I won't be able to come down, not sure if I could climb such a long staircase."

"Okay sir." Jake said and made a call to the CCTV committee. He told them all Tomas said and they sent the footage to Tomas. She was indeed in there. Immediately all committee came to know about this, they were given different job to carry in order to get her out of the elevator.

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