Restless Dreams

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  Idia suddenly awakes from his sleep breathing heavily, his cheeks getting red and his hair following suit. This has been happening to him for the past weeks. When he goes to sleep, you always are there in his dreams. In the beginning nothing too unusual the you from his dreams has been acting, but to be fair Idia's dreams are bizarre so he brushed off that you were present in his dreams since his dreams usually consist of every single thing and media he has seen into one non cohesive nonsense. You were just.. present there like a background character. And so, he didn't think too much about it. You were his friend and he frequently saw you in the board game club, so it made sense to at least have one dream where you were present.

  But one dream turned into two, and two turned into a dozen and it confused him, greatly so. Why are you in his dreams??? Is this a spell's work?? What's going on!?!?!?

  As he was trying to catch his breath and speeding heart, he tried to recall most of what he had dreamed about.
He was playing some game with you and the both of you were sitting on his bed. He saw in the corner of his eye your focus shifting from the game to him. Turning his gaze to you, he noticed you had something to say but you were holding back.

  And then he saw you leaning in, he could practically feel his heart running laps already, but the thing that embarrassed him the most was the fact his dream self had done something he would never do so easily. HE LEANED IN TO KISS YOU!! It felt so easy for him to lean in to feel your lips against his, he felt a little jealous of his dream self.

  And when he was practically centimeters away from kissing you, he woke up! Idia really wanted to just lay back down and close his eyes, hoping he would get to continue the dream- BY HIS SEVENS WHEN DID HE BEGIN TO HONE THESE FEELINGS FOR YOU?!?!?

  He felt his face getting hotter and hotter by the second, he was going to be as red as a stop sign at this point. He would even put Riddle's anger to shame.

  Idia had so many mixed feelings. He couldn't understand how he began to crush on you, you're his friend and he was very sure you weren't interested in him in that way. It just wasn't possible! You, who had dealt with so many overblots and basically being known in the whole NRC, were clearly the protagonist in whatever this story was!

  He felt frustrated because of these dreams. He didn't want to engage in this lovey-dovey thing, romance wasn't for him!... but being in love wasn't so bad of a feeling, he didn't really want to admit. He felt giddy recalling the former dreams that made him slowly fall into this romance thing.

  And now he was nervous. How is he supposed to look you in the eye now that he has a crush on you?! (as if he made eye contact that often, but we're not gonna talk about that!)
Oh, Sevens! Why are these feelings so complicated for no reason? In a dating sim the choices were so obvious, he knew which would take him to the best ending possible, but real life? This is too much!!

  His hands were stuck hiding his burning face. Oh, how he wanted to feel your lips even brush ever so slightly with his. How he wanted these feelings to cease to exist, despite holding onto them for dear life. Why wasn't this a dating sim??

  Sevens, please help this poor soul.

You have been plaguing my dreams..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora