She had to drag me out of her bed so she could shower but she wouldn't even let me join her. That's probably for the better, we both know exactly how that would have ended up. The water is running, and I can hear it sloshing around like she's washing out her hair. The warm scent of her vanilla soap travels down the hall and fills my lungs deliciously.

I'm sitting on the end of her bed, lacing my boots back up so I can leave. I need to be quick. I'm trying to be out of here before she's done in her shower. Not because I'm not coming back, but I really need to take care of the problem tied up in my basement before the guys get any more mad. They're troopers for finding him as quickly as they did, and they've been waiting for me since yesterday morning.

I stand up from her bed, steadying myself from the slight dizziness. My fingers push my hair back from my face as I walk out of her bedroom, past the sweet-smelling steam room. It takes everything in me to not knock on the door and invite myself in, but I'm a strong man, so I continue on to her kitchen.

Her roses look pretty sitting on the counter. These ones I did personally pick out, for a very special reason. She might already have Harry Jr. from the carnival, but what's better than a bear with my chain? I can think of a few things, one of which is actually why I chose this arrangement.

I open a few drawers, looking for something to write with. I finally find a notepad and pen, slapping them onto the counter to begin my note. I'm leaving her a message this time, I've learned my lesson. We're not mind readers, alright? She won't think I'm ditching her if I say something. I won't fuck up again.

My tongue pokes out of the side of my mouth as I scribble down the words, leaving a few badly drawn hearts all around the paper.

borrowing your shiny treasures, you'll get them back soon. xo

ps, picking you up after work, no ifs, ands, or buts. ;)

I pluck the diamond pins out of her roses, shoving them into my pocket before grabbing my keys and wallet off of the counter. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave that bouquet outside of her door, I didn't know if she would actually come with me so I wasn't sure when she would get it.

They're real diamonds, and they look better in person than I expected. I had to get them set in pins to stick in the roses, and now they need to be dropped off with the jeweler to be put into their new setting. I'm not even sure if she realizes those aren't fake, but I hope she recognizes them the next time she sees them. And that she doesn't kill me for doing it.

I look around the room, mentally checking my list before I can leave. The shower turns off, Brinna's curtain scraping along the metal rod signaling that she's done and drying off. I hurriedly spin on my heel, making it out of her door after locking the handle.

I walk quickly down the cement hallway and through the grass to my car, hopping into the driver's seat and turning it on before I can second guess it and wait on her doorstep like a lost dog. I pop open the glove compartment, searching around for the velvet bag that the gems will live in before they get returned to their rightful owner.

I tuck them away and pull off of the curb, making a U-turn to exit her street. Pulling up the call log on the car's screen, I scroll through it until I find the contact I'm looking for. The line rings as I wait for Zayn to answer.

"Hello? Where the fuck are you, we've been trying to call you for the last twenty-four hours man," he answers quickly.

"I was taking care of something important, Zayn. I'm coming right now though. Is he still alive?"

"He's alive like you wanted him. We haven't touched him, but Niall has been taking steaks down there. That's fucking evil, isn't it? He doesn't even eat them, he just cooks them and makes the guy watch."

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