Chapter 1403-1410

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, I notice an additional vending machine in one corner of the building lobby.

Somein Coffee? I suddenly feel like drinking something.

I did as I thought. With the financial freedom to buy beverages below 10 yuan, I confidently walk over to the vending machine and take a gander at the beverages on sale.

Mizone, Nongfu Spring, Master Kong ice tea, and Jasmine tea... Eh... I notice something strange when I look through the beverages on display.

It's a box, placed in the corner of the topmost row of beverages.

What the hell? I glance at the screen and read the scrolling images and text.

Soon, I understand what the box is.

It's the recently popular real-life "loot box!"

There are loot boxes even with beverages these days? It really is a tax on one's intelligence... Gambling is indeed exciting... I mutter as I scan what possible contents might be in the loot box.

D*mn, this is interesting.

This loot box is actually related to a new beverage product. It has never appeared on the market before, the bottle has a unique design, and the names are very stylish!

Seer, Apprentice, Bard, Warrior, Sleepless—Ha, I like that. There's also Lawyer, Assassin, Hunter... I glance at the price of the loot box and realize that it only costs 5 yuan.

It's cheaper than I expected, so I decide to give it a try.

Life is short, so why not give it a try?

As a slave of society, the daily working hours go from nine to six, seven, eight, nine, ten... Excluding work time, eating, sleeping, and commuting, there's very little free time for leisure.

Even the monotonous life would get to robots with this happening day after day. It's just so boring.

The property prices are even more depressing. They make you lose the motivation to work hard. One becomes dejected or just takes on a mantra of letting things come as they may.

To be able to find a new thrill in cheap forms of entertainment other than novels, comics, videos, and games can be considered a surprise.

Taking my phone out, I start scanning the QR code.

At the same time, I mutter a few names in my mind:

Seer, Sleepless, Spectator, Assassin...

These are the beverages that I hope for the most from the loot box.

I will be satisfied as long as it's one of them.

After paying, the vending machine seemed to be stuck. It didn't move for quite a while.

I suspect that it's trying to cheat me.

Is it packaging it on the spot? I complain as I seriously consider making a complaint.

At this moment, the vending machine finally showed signs of movement. The loot box is pushed out and falls to the dispenser with a thud.

It's time to witness a miracle! I bend down and push open the sliding panel of the dispenser and pull out the loot box that I really can't consider exquisitely packaged.

After I quickly open the box, I see a bottle wrapped in coiled snakes.

Based on what I saw on the screen, I'm able to recognize which drink it is.

As an Assassin's Creed gamer, this is an outcome I've been looking forward to:


Chapter 1404 In Modern Day 2

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