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"What happened to your face?" You took a step back and put a hand under your left eye, refusing to let your face show any emotions. Your neighbor did not need to know about your drama. "Oh, well, goodnight then." Then he was gone. Shaking your head, you walked into your own apartment, silently lost in thought. He was FBI and therefore the most interesting part of your life. When you mentioned him to your work friend, he'd laughed and said you should get his number. You totally would, if you thought you had a chance. No way a guy like the Doctor was single. Even if he was, you were pretty sure he hated you. Or had a general dislike for you, at least.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he knew you had a criminal record. Granted, he wasn't supposed to know that, but your niece had let it slip when she was visiting. (Not her fault, she's four and curious.) It wasn't your fault, not entirely. It was more you had to put an abusive ex boyfriend in his place, and you accidentally roughed him up too badly. He'd barely escaped, showing up at the station covered in his own blood with a broken arm, begging for help. You were arrested and charged, being put in the state prison for three years.

The sound of a shower starting pulled you from your thoughts. The apartment had thin walls, so anytime your neighbor did anything with the slightest bit of noise, you heard. It was comforting, actually. You grew up with a brother, so hearing other people helped reassure you that you weren't alone on the planet. Hearing your neighbor shower reminded you that you also needed one, so you walked to the bathroom. If you strained your ears, you could hear the Doctor humming, though what song he chose was lost on you. As you showered, you thought about your neighbor. Sure, he might not have liked you, but he'd expressed concern about your bruise. That had to say something, right?

You touched the bruise under your left eye. It was a gift from your old cellmate. She'd tracked you down to get back for something you did in prison. Hopefully she wouldn't show up again; you hadn't reported the incident, telling people you'd accidentally punched yourself while sneezing. In truth, Jax scared you. She was much bigger and stronger than you, and notably more aggressive. It didn't take much to set her off. With a sigh, you finished your shower and shut the water off, then threw on a hoodie and sweatpants before settling into bed.

Neighbors (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now